Tomorrow is my Bday lovelies!!!!! And I might be going to a secret super special location to celebrate it :)
I´ll update soon!!!!
P.S- A big thank you to “Blue is in Fashion this year” for featuring me on her blog…..thanks darling!!!!!
Mañana es mi cumpleaños y tal vez voy a un lugar secreto y super especial a celebrarlo, en cuanto sepa les digo!!!

49 Responses

  1. happy birthday tommorrow!have a really great day and I hope you get loads of lovely pressies!please visit my blog -www.beautiful-rampage.blogspot.comsophie x

  2. espero que tuvieses un buen dia. agrego tu blog amis links… seguro que no em conoces… ya lo iras descubriendo jejeje. byee see U.

  3. happy birthday dear!fund your blog on lookbook and i love your look and everything :Dso my bday present is taht i will follow you till the end :D (i hope you will never end this)love, alice

  4. Happy Birthday, Andy!I'm visiting your site: you have a great style! You're very nice e creative and I love all your outfits!

  5. Joyeux anniversaire in Paris!!! Maybe I will recognise you somewhere here!! I live in Paris, and I'm glad to see a pretty girl with gorgeous clothes in front of the Eiffel tower (I love the skirt from Zara!!!!)kisses(ps : if you need to see or to know something about Paris, tell me!!)

  6. Parabéns! Happy Birthday from Lisbon, if someone promised you a trip to a special place..oh!la la i think i know where it is :-) enjoy your day!kissesSilvia

  7. Buon compleanno! (= Happy Birthday in Italian :)And thank you for writing about my post…Have a really nice day!

  8. Happy Birthday! You are in Holland, aren't you? So, in dutch: gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!Liefs,

  9. waaa muchisimas felicidades que recibas muchos regalitos de tus amigos y ojala y nos enseñes tu outfit de ese dia tan especialsaluditos!!

  10. muchisimas felicidades!!!!espero que pase un día de lo mas especial.como no estare toda la semana aprobecho ahora para mandarte un beso!!kissesbetty