I have to confess, I was a huge fan and it all started when I was a child, with the free Willy movie song I believe.
I think he was always an innovator, extremely talented, a bit (lot) eccentric, but who cares, arent we all in a way?
It is a big and sad loss, because after all, he was the KING OF POP and he leaves very difficult shoes to fill, if not impossible.
We will miss you and remember you and your song “Black or white” will remain as my Blackberry ringtone for a while…
RIP Michael J.
Tengo que confesar que yo soy mega fan y todo empezó cuando era chiquita, con el soundtrack the Free Willy ¿se acuerdan?
Yo creo que era un innovador, extremadamente talentoso, algo eccentrico, pero a quién le importa, ¿no lo somos todos de alguna manera?
Es una perdida enorme y super triste por que despues de todo, el era el REY DEL POP y no creo que nadie vaya a poder llenar su lugar.
Te extrañaremos y recordaremos.
Descansa en paz MJ :(

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4 Responses

  1. I know, I can still hardly believe he's gone. He may have been a pedo creep but he was still the greatest pop star the world has ever known…and nothing can change that.