Hi Everyone!

I have a quick question for all of you:
If I was to start designing & customizing my own t-shirts, would you buy them????

Of course I ask, because I want to know if I should start my own line and open an online store or not so your opinion is VERY IMPORTANT TO ME.
Thanks a million!


Hola a todas(os),
Necesito preguntarles una cosita rápido:

Si empezara a diseñar y personalizar playeras y demás(como las que he hecho, pero diferentes diseños), ¿¿¿las comprarían???

Claro que les pregunto por que quiero saber si debería tener una tienda online donde pueda diseñar, personalizar y empezar a vender lo que hago y su opinión es SUPER IMPORTANTE para mi.

¡Gracias guapas(os)!


Follow Style Scrapbook

65 Responses

  1. Sí! sísísí :D Te deseo muchisima suerte Andy :) este post es viejito perooo.. cuando lo leí dije: obviamente las compraria!;) XO

  2. i'm a new subscriber here in the states and andy i'd die if you came out with your own line..with an online store. that would be bananas! your style is amazing and inspirational. i love your diy accessories, blazers (OH EM GEE), and your skirts..love!good luck..and i hope you still have this idea in mind.

  3. i'd love to, but acctually in sort of 'live'in morocco.Your style is just amazing, and you don't stop improving, I AM IN ADMIRATION *_*I would like to creat skirts and any sort of things, but i just need to practice and beeing helped:(and yes, can you PLEEEEEEEEASE do more DIY, or some tutorials; Or otherwise,I could contact you by email?thank you so much for designing and creating such great worklot of love, xoxo's

  4. before i'd like to see them .. i like ur style .. so i think they'd be great .. and if they'll be – of course i'll also buy em !

  5. Hey, I'm Juliana from Brazil. Love your sense of style. And your shirts will make a lot of success if they're not too expensive! And if you ship for my country i would love to have one of your creation!!!Just go for it! You are really good at it!Xoxo

  6. absolutely!! I found you out on lookbok and i immediately fell in love with your style..You're taste is amazing..so When will your tees be available??

  7. absolutely!! I found you out on lookbok and i immediately fell in love with your style..You're taste is amazing..so When will your tees be available??

  8. GO FOR IT!me gustan mucho tus playeras…mis favoritas son una que hiciste con la cara de david bowie y otra con la Karl Lagerfeld!!crees que lleguen hasta Mexico?

  9. I've seen some of the clothes you've made on your blog, you have a great style! But what kind of clothes do you want to sell?

  10. Hola linda!!!Sí las compraría, me encanta tu ropa, pero no sé si pagaría por un envío desde tan lejos, terminas pagando el doble del precio.Un besote :)

  11. Depends on the price. But I've been desperately looking for some new t-shirts, I can't seem to find any I like, so I would probably by one (or more).

  12. Of i do!!! And you can sell them on etsy.com. I personnally love your skirts, they're so nice but i'm size 36 and you probably are 32…. :)i give you all my good luck for you.BESOSCARINA

  13. Yo pienso que deberías hacerlo! adelante cada uno con sus sueños e ilusiones!Bss y felicidades por el blog.

  14. If there's something that I really like at a reasonable price of course I'll buy it.I like online shopping.However if the shipping price makes it double price, I wouldn't want to buy cause I live in Turkey..so the shipping price should also be reasonable:):)good luck to you honey!

  15. Yes definately if they were reasnobly priced and had shipping worldwide! Also i really think you should design some skirts, because the ones you make are FABULOUS and i think these would be even more popular than t-shirts! x

  16. I would definitely consider buying from your line!!! You always look great! and whenever you make things-they always come out sooo cute!

  17. yo si no son caraspor supuesto, pero es que esta claro que el nivel econocmico de españa es muy inferior al de paise scomo amsterdam y cuadno veo ropa por itnernet me parece bastante cara…. pero a mi me encantan tus diseños!

  18. I love your style, so I definately would consider. Price, would be a major factor in the decision though ;) I really love your skirts and dresses though!

  19. yes yes totaly i know i would buy your clothes. your style and creativity are amazing i even tried to make something close to the military inspierd vest and i am going to bigin to make the pink skirt!!! great work and keep it up i know you will be successful!!!(i live in winnipeg MB in canadda so your work already traveled al the way here!!)

  20. Take the risk and do it! You have a sophisticated and modern type of style. But you must have thoughts on prices and to which countries you want to sell it.Good Luck!

  21. Me encantan las cosas que haces, camisetas, vestidos, faldas. Por supuesto que tienes que montar tu propia tienda online. Seguro que, antes o después, yo también compraría!

  22. I absolutely agree with the other girls, it's a brilliant idea, I'd be happy to buy them, just make sure you ship to Slovakia. ;)Have a great day!

  23. No se a que playeras te refieres pero si las diseñas igual que tus conjuntos de ropa que te haces tu misma… te digo yo que tendrás un exito immediato!! Yo no creo que vaya a comprar, basicamente porque nunca he comprado por internet y me da bastante miedo. a parte de las tarifas (vivo en España) serían bastante elevedas, digo yo…pero por probar, porque no la montas?? Si quieres publicidad yo la haré en mi blog :DUn beso!!

  24. If theyr're at a good price I'd definitely think about buyin them…I love all your DIYs…you really are talented so go for it!!:)

  25. I absolutely love the skirts you make and the blue dress with the layers is just gorgeous! So it still would depend on the price and if you ship to Belgium? But yes I would probably buy something :) x

  26. Obviamentee!!aparte de que diseñas muy bien.. lo haces con ganas y te sale excelente.Ademas las faldas que haces son hermosaaaas!

  27. totally! if you ship international that is:) i love what you do with fashion. you've got talent and i think everybody thinks so. i'm pretty sure you won't have any problem selling them at all:) go for it;)

  28. I would definitely by some of your DIY tees or jackets, anything with sequins or military/circus-looking because they are definitely cool. As the others say, it sure depends on the price. Since we live all around the world (I live in France), shipping costs kill us, and many, many people forget it and wonder why their sales do not go up…

  29. I'd like it. I think the best advice/comment I can give is to just go for it. Have confidence in your creations.:) And with the way word gets around the internet, you should have alot of luck. Price plays a role nowdays. I'd say anywhere upto $25 is the max you should go. $17 would be better. Maybe you can make them to begin with by a "place order first, then make" basis? I LOVE all the skirts you've made too. Good advice from Allie.:)

  30. yes it all depends on the design of course.i'd prefer if you showed us a DIY on the other stuff you made on your shirt though…i'm just sayin' ; )

  31. oh, I'd definitely buy it.. if the price is ok, of course :). love your style, you're amazing :). good luck!

  32. Claro, no pierdes nada con intentarlo… siempre habrá gente que le guste tu estilo y lo que haces ;)

  33. Definitely! Obviously I'd have to factor price into my decision but I'd like to. I also LOVE all the skirts you make.

  34. I'd like it! It of course on the price and whether i like the shirts if i'd buy them or not. But i've seen some of the stuff you've made, it's cute, and definately sellable

  35. Hi, I love your style and the clothe ypu make and I´d definitely buy them if I could… (I live in Argentina).Good Luck!!!!