I could get used to this… :), I hope this weather lasts and maybe soon I can take off the tights and the jacket!

Espero que el clima se quede así, a ver si pronto me puedo quitar las medias y la chamarra, ¡Ya queremos verano!

40 Responses

  1. oehh this looks lovely. I like the tiny matching detail on your sunnies. where did you get the skirt from ? Iloveit. :D

  2. You look really stylish on the bike! I love your outfit! and your hair is so long…. :)

  3. The first picture I saw on this blog in this post I just knew it had to be Holland. Im dutch so I know and I wanted to type this in Nederlands but your extra langueau is spanish so I have no idea if your understand and dutch anyways like your blog. Het is echt heel mooi in elkaar gezet! Groetjes, Anne

  4. Hello i`m a new reader of yours, i have to say that i love your style. its so cute and beautiful. i will definately visit your blog more often;

  5. Just discovered your blog and have to say that I am impressed by your style! Seems you have a lot of the same favourites as I do. The collection that nearly made me pass out for AW 2009 was Alexander Wang and Balmain for SS 2009. But what collection is your favourite for AW 2009? I haven’t been able to research AW 2009 as well as the two past seasons. Love Balmain and AW again but neither gave me the same shock as when I saw their collections mentioned above. Also – could you please tag your diy projects with the same tag – for instance the DIY tag I see you’ve already used? I have checked out nearly all of your old posts and several of your projects look very interesting. Tagging them with the same tag would make it easier to browse them. Thanks again for putting so much time, energy, passion and great style into this blog.Rock and Roll!

  6. Oh! vienes a México? A qué parte? Yo estoy en el DF. Pues prepárate para el calor, trae sandalias, shorts, blusas, cosas frescas porque el calor está cañón, aunque eso sí, aquí por lo menos en las noches baja la temperatura y tal vez te sirva un suetercito :)Un beso.

  7. hola andy!!!hacía un monton d tiempo q no me pasaba por aquí!q tal todo?he leido q tienes nuevo trbajo,espero q todo t vaya muy bien!por cierto la falda un 10 eh!!superchula!! muaksss!!

  8. Love your outfit. And you know I”m always a fan of dressing cute while riding a bike. I bought a vintage pink blazer today and thought of you!

  9. Te ves lindísima con la falda rosa en la bici!!Aquí estamos como a 30 grados, no dejo de usar faldas y sandalias, mucho calooor!!Un beso :)