I made this head band with little pieces of black fabric I had left from other projects.

It is inspired by the Oh so fabulous 1920´s, how much do I love that decade? A lot! god knows why.
Hope you like it!

1920´s inspired headband. made it myself
black V neck sweater. zara

36 Responses

  1. oh wow, I love that headband! I might make one, as I am going to a fancy dress party, and I want to go in a 1920s flapper costume!!xx

  2. pero q guapisima q estas!!he visto q has puesto un post de “lost” tambien te gusta?? uff!! a mi me pirra, creo q es de las mejores series q he visto en mi vida!! es genial!!!y ya se acab, q pena!!cuando empieza?? en febrero no??

  3. uff las bandas de la cabeza me encantan……..con mi nuevo corte me quedan fatal…esperando a tenr otra vez mi pelo…muy guapa¡¡¡¡

  4. It’s funny how I had an interview two weeks ago (check out my blog!) and I mentioned the 20’s are my fave decade of fashion. I totally love this headband!

  5. WWow Darling!!!I def. LOVE UR BLOG!!! just amazing….. it´s so nice to meet u!! and I´m so glad about finding this little treasure ( I mean your blog).U have such a cute style… it´s so You!!! (I´m sick of the rest of the outfits, all the girls look the same…BUT YOUU….UR CUSTOMIZING… honestly I LOVE IT!! ♥!!I´m mad about ur military vest!!and about all ur customizes stuff..!! xxxx kisses from Spain, and just straight to my "favs blog"! :)

  6. Oh!!your headband is so cute!!!i like so much, your look is perfectly!I want to learn to do clothes like you!!!(excuse my english…hahaha)kisses