Now, this took me a long time! Well, not so much a long time, but a LOT of work, because you need to be very careful sewing the round ends, so they dont look horrible and I still think they dont look even, but there is NO CHANCE I am going to start over, NO CHANCE…haha

I ´ll try wear it soon!

18 Responses

  1. Tus DIY ultimos me dejan con la boca abierta! Los estoy repasando todos!Me he comprado una chaqueta militar en rebajas y tenía pensado meterle algo de dorado. Ya veremos a ver qué sale. Aunque tampoco sé si voy a tener mucho tiempo en breve…. Ya veremos!Muasss!

  2. on the one i made i opted not to sew the loops and let them hang free, and it totally solved the uneven problem. it looks great. i love yours and can’t wait to see it on!

  3. I have just discovered your blog and I like so much your style! That jacket is absolutely amazing! great idea! ;-)

  4. even if you say the circles aren’t perfect, they look good enough to me:) i always enjoy seeing your diy episodes because you do it so well sometimes i can’t wait what you are going to come up with next! oh and i can’t wait to see you wearing the vest:)

  5. I have just discovered your blog, and I am absolutely fascinated, you are an artist!!, with very much style.I deduce that I must write to you in English…I invite you to that you know my blog

  6. Me encanta tienes ideas muy originales ya se que me repito pero eres una artista, tienes un premio en mi blog :-)Un beso!