Today, I had to go into Amsterdam to meet up with a stylist I worked with last month.

We went for coffee and spent the time discussing my plans, he also gave me a copy of the magazine we did the shoot for. It was for a dutch male singer (Alain Clark) he is on the cover and a 6 page spread, it was fun.

I´ll scan it and show you :)

Oh yeah! this is what I wore today :) Im hoping for snow tomorrow!

16 Responses

  1. Hello Andy!Thanks for your sweet comment! By the way I just went through your blog, and it’s amazing! You have a fabulous style, I like every single thing you are wearing. And so gorgeous, too.It’s so cool you used to live in Montreal- I know exactly which Second Cup you mean on Atwater, I used to go there too! I went to McGill, so I spent countless hours just chillin’ out downtown between classes. (And shopping!!). I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it, and I hope you can come back to visit. Please let me know if you do!!xx

  2. By the way – I just read your comment about the balmain bleached jeans! I had already seen them at Zara but they didnt have them in my size :( I tried them on but one pair was too small and the other too big! Such a shame! But hopefully they’ll sell more pieces like that in the time to come!Good for you that they did fit you :) cant wait to see outfit photos!

  3. Omg that is so romantic! I really admire people who are willing to move to the other side of the world and leave their family behind for the person they love!I know, the weather suck right?!Are you going to the Fashion Academy (AMFI) in Amsterdam now?

  4. Well, Apeldoorn is not really in the Amsterdam area but it’s still only about a one-hour drive, so it’s not far away either. Where are you really from by the way? Spain?

  5. jajaja, nevando ya?? casi q te voy a pasar mis botas de snow q le darás más uso q yo!!pues mira, por aqui hace bastante frío, llueve…aunq Barcelona es clima es mejor, porq es clima mediterraneo, sabes? y es más suave…pues no se q hacer, porque creo q irenmos en marzo pero si me dics q hace tantisimo frio…pues no sé si esperarme hasta abril/mayo…crees q será mejor?me da igual pasar un poco de frío, pero lo q no quiero es q nos caiga las Gran Nevada!!!jajajaja

  6. veo q te va bien en lo laboral… a ver si te salen más cosas!!nieve ya??quería preguntarte…estoy planeando un viaje a amsterdam con unos amigos…pero para dentro de dos meses o más…en marzo q tal tiempo hace por ahí? aún mucho frío?muakssssssss!

  7. Oops.. Sorry I saw on your profile that you live in Amsterdam so that's why I concluded you were Dutch! Could've known you're not Dutch though, I recall thinking your style wasn't Dutch-looking at all! Especially those (AMAZING) photos that were taken in Paris. There's such an 'international' allure about what you wear there. Can really put a finger on it but it comes down to it that I could have known (longggg story I know). Anyway, I will translate what I wrote last time:Hey! You are seriously the FIRST Dutch blogger I have come across! I thought they did not exist ;) Love your blog & I have added you to my bloglis!So thats what I wrote last time. I have to say I dont really mind you're not Dutch.. cause that means Im probably the only Dutch blogger out there (so cool..)Just kidding ;)Hope you fancy swapping links!