Well, I made this skirt on friday, I was meaning to do it for like 3 weeks but it wasn’t untill friday that I actually got around to do it.

I really loved the fabric since I saw it, Its nothing like I’ve seen before and I thought that shape would make it look really cool. One down side tho, is that the fabric isnt stretch so I had to take time and add a ziper to it, which is fine but I was in a bit of a rush, and it really took some time.

The reason for my meltdown is because I have NO IDEA what is wrong with my notebook, I am using my bf’s computer right now, because mined totally crashed this morning, for NO REASON!!, I am in panic right now, because I have thousands of photos in there and I am praying I can save them… I dont know what I am going to do, my pc was always fine, I’ve never had a virus before, I dont know what is wrong, but lately it has given me some trouble.

It wasn’t untill today that I realized how dependant I am on my computer and on technology in general, its a bit scary to think that actually…
I need to figure something out ASAP!!!!

23 Responses

  1. i love your style, and i also love the way u create your own clothes.thats gourgeous n creative as well.how i wish i could knit w/o training! lol.btw, stay pretty! :)

  2. I like it so much! I’m doing a similar one but in one color I thing that with a shirt will be perfect!very good blog!! your style is gorgeus!

  3. ok, this skirt i LOVE! i must have one like it! if you don’t make me one then i will have to try myself :) it looks great on you!

  4. ohhh computers can be so annoying! But hey at least you look all kinds of HOT in that outfit.Seriously, that skirt is amazing, you are so amazing at sewing!! How hot does your hair look all wavy too!

  5. I love love love this skirt! You look amazing in these photos! Your hair looks really good in these photos. I love this bag. Is it vintage?

  6. OMG, I really hope your computer problems I be finished really soon ! I understand you, I’m completely dependant too !Anyway, I stop complaining : I LOVE YOUR SKIRT ! You’re so gifted to do things like that ! I wish I could do the same !

  7. me encantan todas las faldas que haces, yo llevo meses diciendo que tengo que hacer, una, tengo ya los patrones pero necesito tiempo!!! jaja:D

  8. sorry for the computer (that always happennnnnnns to them..)i really like the skirt! you look very tallll and youre so in shape! jealous!