This vintage Mickey Mouse sweatshirt makes me feel 5 years old again, thats why I love it!! Oh how I wish I was 5 again…

I´ve been wanting to buy all those movies I used to watch as a child, like Cinderella, Snow White, The beauty and the beast, lion king, THE LITTLE MERMAID!!! Good times!!! I used to watch them over an over again with my sister, I miss those days :(

I was telling my bf the other day, how those were the “REAL DISNEY CLASSICS”, I mean, Disney movies are great now, but they are just not what they used to be, call me old fashioned, but those movies were amazing, I just wish that when I have kids one day, they get to watch all those movies I grew up watching…the real DISNEY classics…

21 Responses

  1. i miss looking at your old photos. it reminds me the time i first started reading your blog! hahaha! awesome. pretty!xxyougotsomestyle.blogspot.com

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  3. i want that sweater. ;) where did you get it? don’t tell me in a vintage store, please? haha! you look so adorable. and i know what you mean about the disney classics. it was just different. and amazing. not comparable to the nonsense they have today.

  4. I totally agree! Nothing can ever compare to stuff like Snow White and all that… Nowadays kids don’t stay kids very long while we wanna be kids again!! =D

  5. Love thee old classics, there all computerised now :( not the same at all. I must say I'm a fan of sleeping beauty, lady and the tramp, pretty much all the ones you stated. Love the jumper <3

  6. Yo tengo una sudadera de Minnie :-) siempre me gustaron las peliculas de Disney de pequeña lloraba muchisimo con la de El rey leon jajaUn beso!

  7. Cute photo! I love the disney movies from when I was a kid! I used to watch them over and over until I had them memorized!

  8. Hey que onda! Oyee esta DIVINA! :o Yo ando en busca de una de Minnie! Y sí, los clásicos que TODAS han visto =) un beso desde México! :)