I wanted to keep this blog about fashion & style, but I have really strong feelings about what just happened in America yesterday and I wanted to share them.

I was a very happy girl this morning, waking up with the news that Mr. Barack Obama is the new elected President of the USA.
A lot o people have asked me, why do I care so much, if I am not an American? Well, I am amazed that at this point, some people haven´t realized that what happens in America, affects us all over the world.

I was born in Mexico, right next to the States and I am very aware that every decision made there, would have a great impact in Mexico and all over the world.
I am not living there anymore, but the people most important to me, my friends & family are still there and America´s huge economic crisis has fallen into Mexico like a domino effect, affecting so many people that had nothing to do with it.

That´s why I care, that´s why this is so important to me, because I believe (as we all do), that we desperately need a change and I BELIEVE that Obama will do everything he can to start turning things around, For America and for the rest of the world.

In other news….lol, Oh God! I just cant stop talking about this weather can I!! Im really sorry, I promise I will stop, its just that it plays such an important role in my life at the moment, since it dictates what I am going to wear every single day (Im sure you know what I mean and how I feel!)
So I figured since its cold but not AS COLD as it will be in the next few months, I would wear my knee socks again.
I also wanted to play with hair pieces, I wear the ocassional head band, etc, but when I saw this flower at H&M, It called out to me and very obedient me, bought it.

It might be a little dressed up, but HEY! It´s a time for celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS MR.OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S- How do some of you manage to upload such big pics, I have the setting to upload them large and my pics still look so small when I post….anyone???

15 Responses

  1. difiero en q obama hará cosas q beneficien a méxico y lo veo. pero odio hablar d política haha.tus outfits son lo mejor :)

  2. hey.. im so happy obama won too! i was very excited.. and i thought the results were going to be very close.. but i was mistaken.. obama kicked some butt jajaja anyways.. just wondering jajaja.. you dont have to answer its just curiosity.. in what part of mexico where u born? :)

  3. Have to agree with the other comments – black looks great on you, Andrea! But then, you have the looks and body to look great, even if you were to wear a sack! You’d ‘make it work’! If they weren’t so horribly hard and scratchy, I’d ask you to see what you could do with one! But I won’t torture you with that degree of discomfort…!!

  4. sii me alegro de que haya ganado! es cierto que los eeuu tienen grna influencia sobre el mundo entero! y mas si eres dee mexico como tu :DPor cierto el conjunto perfecto, como siempre

  5. I love the outfits, you pull off those thigh high socks like no other. I agree with the excitement for Obama. I believe if there was a huge new president/prime minister in another key country in the world all would be just as excited. I’m excited since I live in Canada so a lot of what happens in the United States most definately affects us Canadians, WOO OBAMA

  6. You look absolutely gorgeous in black! I love everything about your outfit..every detail is so nice :)I was also very happy indeed to wake up to news that Obama has become the new president. It is so important to care about these things :)xox

  7. I’m French and I also feel very concerned about these elections ! Why do always people think that if we’re not American, we have nothing to do with it ?As you said, this gonna change our lives, Obama is going to be mythical, he embodies so much things a the same time !Anyway, I love your outfit ! If you want bigger pics, try to upload your photos on tinypic.com, then copy past the URL link of the pic and use it when you upload a pic for your post ! Then change the pixel dimension on the html code, and it should be better ;)

  8. todos estamos contentos con que haya ganado obama, esperemos que de´ese cambio q necesitamos!!lo q me dices del tiempo, verás, hago un poco de trampa, porque cuando hace frío, mee quito el abrigo, y me saco la foto, jejjeej, y luego me lo vuelvo a poner, es q sino serían unas fotos aburridisimas y no se vería bien la ropa!:)fantastico look el tuyo!!!por cierto, mañana pondré un outfit con la chaqueta parecida a la tuya, recuerdas?, bueno si me da tiempo esta noche, ya actualizo, sino mañana…

  9. black looks so plain boring and très triste on me, but its perfect for you!i also really care about that election and also was really happy that morning :]i cant be friends with anyone who’d vote for or voted for mccain! like our exchange student from texas. its kinda saddd, and i dont believe obama is a saint, but i’d MUCH RATHER have him being president than mccain. :]

  10. I love this outfit! All black looks great on you! I upload throught my photobucket account and theres a setting for what size you want your photos to be!