For my very own personal taste, this has to be one of the most amazing editorials I’ve seen lately.
It’s everything I like, everything I would wear and everything I crave.

You can find this editorial at the november issue of Spanish VOGUE, where they tried to portray the look of the stylist, and absolutely nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 Responses

  1. I am hoping that they sell Spanish Vogue at my local Barnes and Noble…and am so grateful for your scanning this editorial for us here, delightful indeed. Super excellent stylist!!

  2. Dios mío, pensaba hablar de este editorial un día de estos. Quedé en shock cuando lo vi: qué maravilla!!!Por cierto Andy, te ves fabulosa últimamente, en serio, me encantas! Quizás te comente poco, pero te sigo desde el bloglovin y no me pierdo ninguna actualización! Vi que habías hecho otra falda :)Un beso