Did some sewing again today, I actually finished another skirt! I really like it but I decided to post the pics tomorrow along with the ones were I´m actually wearing it, so you get a better idea of how it looks. In the meantime, I´ll post the pic of the fabric, its a plaid wool, in shades of grey and pink, I love it!!! I know, I know, I wear too much grey at this time of year, but I cant help it, I just love it so much!!! I promise to start splashing some color soon :P

p.s- Im sorry I dont have a full body shot of todays look, I totally screwed up and now its too late cause im wearing pj´s…promise I wont do it again!!

12 Responses

  1. chica estas hecha toda una artista !hoy voy a ir yoa comprar algo de tela, haber que consigo hacer :Dun besiito.

  2. Lo primero de todo muchisimas gracias por el premio!!! :-) me ha gustado mucho la tela para que la vas a usar? que arte tienes!Tienes un premio en mi blog :-)Un beso!

  3. I am from Spain. I have discovered your blog at that moment and I am completely in love with your style¡¡¡¡ ELLE