This was one of my vintage finds yesterday, I saw it and didn´t let go, they had so many of them, in different colors, but this one seemed comfy and warm, so I chose it!
We are all loving plaid at the moment and what better way to wear it than with a pair of blue demins. Today was another lazy sunday, not as much as the past 2. I spent the day doing my groceries for the week ahead and once I got home I started working on the fabrics I bought and already made a skirt.

I cant wait to show you one the fabrics I got! I absolutely love it! hopefully you will too, now I am just trying to figure out the best design to suit the pattern, I will, eventually and since I am feeling super inspired lately, I will probably try to take on 2 skirts tomorrow, If I do, I´ll make sure to show you the result…

Dont forget to reverse your watches an hour!!!

16 Responses

  1. hi dear!!tengo el mismo maquillaje de chanel, me encanta!!!soy chaneladicta!! además dura muchísimo tiempo, verdad??creo q el mío me lo compré hace un par de años, y aún lo tengome encanta tu look de las falda blanca, con las calzas…lástima que haya un tiempo limitado para ponerlas, porque empieza a hacer frío!!

  2. No se como haces pero estas perfecta en todos tus looks me encantan! Estoy deseando que nos enseñes tus nuevas creaciones Un beso!

  3. i just came across your blog last night, and i am in love with have such amazing style!you have just easily become one of my fav bloggers ;)

  4. I’ve been kind of busy to post but I’ve been following all your posts!! Your skirt looks amazing!! I can’t wait to see your new creations!!I also love the plaid!! looks really great on you!M.