This are my top 3 colors right now, my chanel black satin has been on top for the past year and a half although I have to say, it chips after just one day of wearing it, maybe some of you have a different experience, but I am able to wear it for max 2 days before the top starts chipping.

I am colpletely in love with the brand O.P.I, even after one coat, the nails already look amazing and when you do 2 coats it looks even better and lasts ages as well!

The mini orange bottle is from SEPHORA, I also love this one, it last about 4 days and the color looks even ..

So which are your fav nail colors right now???

3 Responses

  1. I am still obsessed with black satin and blue satin. I am craving a purple polish and a bordeaux polish. What is the name of that opi color?

  2. My favorite nail polish is the Sephora one ! I have it in a beautiful red, it lasts also a couple of days, and, important to notice, it is really cheap !!!