For some reason I felt super girly today, I mean, I know I am a girl so I am kinda supposed to lol, but I do enjoy wearing men clothes sometimes and turning them into something femenine, I have been a HUGE fan of the menswear trend for a while now, but today I felt like doing girly things :P

So after a day of pampering myself, exfoliating, mosturizing, doing my nails, putting treatments in my hair, etc, I felt that the best way to end it was by wearing a girly skirt….and so I did.

I choose the navy blue skirt I recently purchased at H&M, with 2 lines of golden buttons on the sides (It looks a bit like a sailor skirt) and got told by my bf´s brother I looked like a sailors, anyway, I think it´s super cute and since I must wear a jacket anytime I step outside, I went for the obvious choice at the moment :P, I promise guys! I´ll try not to wear it so often!

By the way, I went into some stores today to find that they are packed with xmas decorations already, It made me feel a bit sad in a way, cause xmas makes me so homesick and it doesnt get any easier that my family is across the atlantic but on the other hand, I am so excited!!!! I LOVE XMAS! I love decorating, drinking hot chocolate sitting next to the xmas tree, and just staring at the tree lights, remembering when I was a kid….so many memories in my dear old Mexico!!!!

Oh guys! I miss home……..

11 Responses

  1. I adore your style and what you have to say, what a lovely and refreshing inspiration! You work in the industry, you very lucky girl you! I was thrilled to see you on WWWD and will make sure to check your blog daily now, lovely ensembles & musings! Hugs from Arizona!

  2. uff tengo que ponerme al corriente con tus actualizaciones…. ami tambien me encantan las fraldas , especialmente en invierno que se puden usar con medios o mallas o leggins, pero debo decir que estoy muy celosa de que por aqui no tengo h&m a la mano… hey y me encasnto la falda que hiciste, desde cuando queria una similar pero la verdad no tengo tiempo, tengo como 40 telas por cortar y coser pero haver cuando… ya exagere con el coment pero bueno, gacias por los tips para el cabello me quede con la duda d la plancha redonda, por aqui no he visto nada similar, bueno ya, besos, bye

  3. PRECIOSA como siempre :) Yo creo… que todos los que estamos lejos de casa nos sentimos un poco “homesick” de vez en cuando… en fechas señaladas, en los cumpleaños… pero bueno… nuevas experiencias por vivir… :) Animatee!!

  4. No kidding, you're from Mexico ? I do understand now why I saw comments of you on some blogs written in spanish !Anyway… I'm completely in love with this skirt ! I never saw it in my little H&M French shops..too bad !Love your Minnetonkas !!!Great outfit !