Today was surprisingly “warm” (at least for fall) so I decided to let my little denim shorts see the light again and probably for the last time untill summer and since fall is here to stay, I thought; why not start wearing my hats! which I´m completely obsessed with and haven´t had the chance to wear in so long!

By the end I realized I was wearing the best of both worlds, mini summer shorts and a winter hat ;).

16 Responses

  1. me encantan los gorross!!! y mola molaa la combinacion!!! Yo sq no me traje ningunos shorts de verano… nunca pense que encontraria la forma de ponermelos sin morirme de frio… 8-)

  2. Me encanta tu estilo, tu blog es fantastico!En enero voy a conocer Amsterdam :-) tengo muchisimas ganas!Te agrego, agregame tu si quieres, gracias por comentar.Un beso!

  3. hey ya te vi en wwd congrats¡¡ y me encanta el outfit, lastima que yo no uso shorts, por cierto, que te parece intercambiar links??? te agrego ya…