
I love jeans, I really do, in fact, jeans are one of those items that if I had it my way, I would wear all the time. The trouble for me is, finding jeans that fit me well…You guys probably know exactly what I mean, whenever you try a pair of jeans that look perfect in the fitting room, but when you try to move slightly, it feels like you are wearing a cardboard box because they are so stiff and so tight and just incredibly uncomfortable -We have all been there-
I love this video by Lee because their new campaign is exactly about that, movement and how important is to be able to move while you are wearing your favorite pair of jeans. One of the cool things about this video, is that Lee only featured dancers, synchronized swimmers and ex-olympic gymnasts, which explains the tricks on minute 00:39 and 1:28 – Man, I wish I could do that too while walking down the street or shopping at the supermarket, can you imagine!? :O-   

61 Responses

  1. Wow, también me ha encantado este vídeo. Lo disfruté mucho.Te digo que coincido contigo, porque cada vez que encontramos un par de jeans que nos queden perfectos, luego es casi imposible volver a quitárselos. Jajaja.Besos Andy. Saludos desde Venezuela.

  2. I'm agree about the problem of "unconfortable jeans" But you have two so beautiful legs that you haven't got the problem of "fitting the jeans" (I'm so sorry for my english :D)

  3. HAhaha yeah that would be fun!!Bianca