I finally wore my jeans today, I love them! LOVE THEM!

I guess its one of those situations where you´ve been wanting something for a long time, so when you finally have it, you only see it with love, haha!

And, of course I didnt go out just like that, I was wearing other jacket over, thing is, if I post the end result every day, it just wont be interesting at all, thats what I hate about winter the most, no matter how cool your outfit looks, it always ends up covered by layers and a jacket.

Im sure I´ll be experimenting with this jeans A LOT in future, but for today, this was it :), with a bit of grey and bit of black, you cant go wrong…

18 Responses

  1. i love the jeans sweetie! :) i have to get them too asap. i love the necklaces and you are oh so right about winter. all the hardwork would end up being covered by the coat. ohh well. i am excited to see the skirt. i hope you post them here real soon.shall we trade links?