AndyTorresBridgeParis14 AndyTorresBridgeParis6 AndyTorresBridgeParis2AndyTorresBridgeParis7 AndyTorresBridgeParis9 AndyTorresBridgeParis10AndyTorresBridgeParis4 AndyTorresBridgeParis5 AndyTorresBridgeParis8 AndyTorresBridgeParis AndyTorresBridgeParis3AndyTorresBridgeParis11 I’M WEARING  >>  Dress: H&M Conscious Collection  |  Shoes: Rolando Santana  |  Ring: Tom Wood

There is nothing quite as stupid as burning bridges, sadly not everyone thinks this way. You never know how many times life will turn and when you will need it the most, so you should never burn a bridge or close a door and if you do, at least open a window.

andy signature

Photos by Richard Nicholls


158 Responses

  1. Yea, sometimes you remind yourself not to burn any bridges. Though sometimes, those closed doors, I really wish to have a hammer and nails to nail it shut and make sure that those doors never re-opens again. LOL! I guess we all have our crazy days.
    Btw, you look gorgeous in that dress despite a rainy weather.

  2. I love the pictures in your blog because they look so editorial! By the way this dress is gorgeous and I would have never thought it was h&m, great job.
    Lots of love,
    Julia xx

  3. You look stunning Andy.I love every look on your “scrapbook” :)You are really inspired other bloggers for style and life style.

  4. the dress is magic and mysterious and the location u took the pics in adds more magical sense to it. I love these photos, they deserved to be published on Vogue.

  5. WOW. Absolutely stunning. I love how simple your hair and makeup are because the dress and setting/backdrop (and your height) do all of the talking.

  6. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your incredible comments!!! Im so freaking happy to read you liked the photos! We really tried to make an effort.


  7. As others said above, some bridges need to get burned. I have that dress too, going to wear it for a wedding in 3 weeks :)

  8. Sadly, life has taught me differently. Some bridges you do need to burn, for your sanity, your health, the sake of your life. Some bridges you need to burn, to explode, to leave behind you, as all they do is take from you and are never going to give back. Those are the bridges that you just can’t cross, or when you do, they take you even further back than you were when you started. Some bridges are just bad, and so they need to go.