So how do you introduce colour into your look if you are stuck on black and white?
I am the first to admit that if I could, I would probably wear black all the time. Maybe black and white. However, adding colour is so fun specially during the winter because its unexpected but since that ship has sailed and were kind of in the “middle” of Spring, here is a good tip to introduce colour to your wardrobe.
If you love your black and white looks but rarely dare into colour, a good way to start introducing it is adding a pop of one colour unto a black and white look, an even more fun way to style that colour is adding not one but 2 pieces of that SAME shade into your look. Here I wore a bright green t-shirt and threw a sweatshirt over mi shoulders on a very similar colour (I would even argue its the same).
The weather in Amsterdam I still a bit up and down so styling the sweatshirt over my shoulders meant that I had it easily accessible if I needed an extra layer, but also, I happen to think it looks super cool over the shoulders, in fact, it reminds me of my school uniform days where out only way to showcase our personal style, was playing with elements of our uniform, so I used to throw my sweaters or sweatshirts over my shoulders all the time. The teachers often told me not to do it but hey, you can’t blame me for trying!
If you want to check more Inso on colourful looks, check this, this and this!

2 Responses
Me gusta mucho la combinación del abrigo con las Converse. Respecto al jersey… creo que con un tono fucsia o morado también estaría genial.
Me encanta tu look! La forma de introducir una prenda con fuerza para romper la monotonía. Se me ocurre que podría ser una buena idea llevar calcetines divertidos con las zapas deportivas. Unos calcetines que justo se dejarán ver cuando por ejemplo te sientes :) ya que el resto del tiempo quedarán “ocultos” por los pantalones.