20.1.20…I’M ENGAGED!!!

Writing this still seems so surreal for me and even though I had already announced it on Social Media last Monday, I just HAD to post it on StyleScrapbook, my personal journal for the past 12 years.

I am engaged!!!! And it happened in Paris, in the best possible way and with the man on my dreams.

I wanted to thank EVERYONE who sent me direct messages on instagram, who sent me stories (and reshared the news) and who commented on my post. I was in fact quite overwhelmed to see all the love I got that day. With the instagram algorithm, it felt like I wasn’t able to get to a lot of you recently and that was becoming increasingly frustrating, but when I shared the news, it’s like the flood gates opened and the news spread like a wild fire. I felt so much love from you guys and I felt closer than ever. Some of you have been following me for an excess of a decade and you have grown up with me, you have seen me travel, evolve, change and sharing this news was so important to me.

I met the person that has changed my life forever. Someone that I love more than I could have ever imagined. My entire life I dreamt of finding him and when I met him, I knew.

I wake up grateful every single day for us crossing paths and I can’t believe I will get to marry my dream guy.

Thank you for al your incredible messages! I am still on cloud 9.

19 Responses

  1. ¡Hola Andrea! Llevo muchísimos años siguiéndote, efectivamente se siente como si hubieramos crecido contigo pero en paralelo. Aun recuerdo tus DYI, desde prendas de vestir hasta tazas para el té; tus combinaciones arriesgadas pero que funcionan, tus consejos para la piel…. igual que tus altibajos, tus problemas honestamente compartidos con el resto, tu papá… aunque en la distancia y muy tagencialmenge, me alegro ver que te van las cosas bien y estás feliz. Por cierto, ¿Cómo conociste a tu futuro esposo? Esa parte me la perdí.
    ¡Un abrazo y mucha felicidad en tu nueva etapa!

  2. Felicidades Andy para ti y tu futuro esposo. Justo el 20/01/2020 fue mi cumpleaños N° 35.
    Me enteré por tu Instagram y me puse muy feliz por ti. El anillo está hermoso. Delicado y brillante.


  3. Aw, I saw your Insta post, congratulations!!! I’m so excited for you and Paris had to be the most memorable place for it too! xx Jenelle | inspiringwit.com

  4. Enhorabuena Andy!!!! (es como felicitamos en España) no se si también en México. Me alegro mucho por ti. Llevo tantos años siguiendote que la noticia me emociona mucho. Os deseo lo mejor!!!! Un abrazo!!!!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! Am so happy for you (& your husband-to-be, of course)!! :)
    Am also glad you shared the exciting news here as well, as I’m not that active on social and haven’t heard about it, yet! :)

    Lisa – hyyperlic