I’M WEARING >> Suit: Gestuz  |  Sneakers: Nike  |  T-Shirt: Zoe Karssen

After what could very well be categorised as one of the best Summers of my life, that transitioning period where I have to start getting used to the idea of Winter is upon me.
To make things a bit easier for me, I am starting to layer slowly. Layering is one of the funnest things about styling for me, which is ironic because I hate the cold, but I love the fact that I can finally layer and create more interesting silhouettes.

Suits have become an ESSENTIAL part of my wardrobe, specially since I am trying to find creative ways to dress them down. I love the fact that its not a garment that its limited to the office anymore, but a fashion statement in itself.

Whats your stand on wearing suits outside the office?


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