I’M WEARING  >>  Black Hoodie: AIT  |  Dress underneath: Samsoe Samsoe  |  Belt: Ganni

I am not the biggest fan of Winter (who is? raise your hand), but I do LOVE layering. It takes me a while to get into the mindset of layering though and I do struggle with the decision of wearing black tights. Once I get on a roll, my layering game improves by the week and I start learning tricks on how to keep myself warm without compromising style.


11 Responses

  1. It such a perfect layering combination
    I’m in love with this hoodie
    Thanks for another good inspiration andy

    1. Muchísimas gracias!!!!! LA sudadera es de mi marca :). Ahorita tenemos la tienda cerrada por logística pero regresamos pronto :D
