I’M WEARING  >>  Sneakers: Reebok Club C Overbranded Collection  |  Jeans: Vintage 501 Levis  |  Sweatshirt: Vintage

“Yes, I do own a Nintendo and yes, I was lucky enough to grow up in the 90’s.”

With Reebok recently re-launching the Club C Overbranded collection, it took me right back to so many awesome memories from the 90’s. It’s the period I grew up in along with Nintendo ( Remember Mario Bros. walking sideways on your screen and most of us kids being addicted to this game?), the freedom to eat as much candy as I wanted without worrying about the consequences, and binging on my favourite breakfast cereals every morning, without realising I was ingesting 10 times my daily recommended amount of sugar! haha. Time really flies and it’s crazy to think that was 20 years ago already, but the beauty of trends and fashion is that they always come back around in one form or another.

I wanted to style my new Reebok Club C’s with everything that comes back to me when I think back to the 90’s. Levi’s 501 jeans, my favourite vintage Mickey Sweatshirt, Nintendo and of course candy and my favorite cereal.

“I got the Nintendo NES mini earlier in the year, because nothing will ever beat the classic games in my mind!”.

Mario will always be the greatest video game of all time -specially the old school games-, so instead of doing a regular shoot, I decided to just have an awesome afternoon playing games, eating donuts, candy, cereal and reliving the moment. (Even though finding my favourite “Lucky Charms” cereal in Amsterdam wasn’t easy, but I finally located place that sells it, which is rather really good news or really bad news for my waistline hahaha).

With the weather in Amsterdam being so rainy/snowy and cold lately, we had to shoot in my apartment. It really turned out to be such a fun way to shoot and almost makes me wish I could shoot a collaboration like this every week!

Hope you like the pics!!!


18 Responses

  1. Andy, te sigo desde hace años y ahora solo entraba al blog cada dos semanas para ponerme al día con los posts, pero ahora veo que hay que estar pendientes más seguido. Me encanto este post y los videos que has subido, te admiro mucho y te deseo mucha felicidad. Saludos desde Tamaulipas.

  2. Jajaja, wow me encanta que Reebok haya revivido esos tenis, yo también crecí en los noventas y también sigo teniendo el Nintendo desde 1991, gracias a tu post el Nintendo va a salir de los escombros de mi bodega, tengo mil ganas de volverlo a usar.
    Me encantó la dirección creativa de tu post! ;)