AndyTorresCK7 AndyTorresCK4 AndyTorresCK9 AndyTorresCK3 AndyTorresCK8 AndyTorresCK5AndyTorresCK1I’M WEARING  >>  Swimsuit: Calvin Klein

I gotta be honest, I have been pretty obsessed with one piece swimsuits lately. I am just not finding bikinis appealing at the moment so my one piece collection is growing by the minute -although I know that I will eventually go back to two pieces. This blue piece from Calvin Klein is the best example of how one pieces can also be sexy, or at least in my opinion. I am pretty hooked with the entire new CK Swimwear collection but there’s something about this shade of blue and the sporty looking band at the back that makes this one sexy but still a little tomboyish, just the way I like it.



54 Responses

  1. I just came here today to say that I can’t avoid to watch downtown Abbey and not to think that you look like Mary! The smile is totally the same <3 Btw, amazing pictures as always, you look gorgeous. :**