AndyTorresAmsterdam3 AndyTorresAmsterdam4 AndyTorresAmsterdam AndyTorresAmsterdam5 AndyTorresAmsterdam2I’M WEARING  >>  Pants: Sportmax  |  Top: & Other Stories  |  Trenc Coat: Burberry  |  Bag: Louis Vuitton  |  Shoes: Converse

You’ve probably seen that I have spent the past few months traveling non stop, so it’s been quite refreshing and relaxing to be able to be home in Amsterdam for 3 weeks straight…Still trying to make plans for the Summer, a beach break wouldn’t hurt at all and I also want to do a road trip, but I still need to figure out where and all the rest. Wouldn’t that be fun?

What are your Summer plans?


52 Responses

  1. Those red pants are so amazing I love them! I actually really like the contrast between red and pink together. I think people get scared to put the two in one look but you killed it! I thought the trench calmed the colors down and looked good layered on top. And the casual sneakers made it perfect for an adventure in Amsterdam. Loving this!

  2. Hey Andy, been reading your blog and following your adventures for the looongest of times, I comment very rarely but still always read. Anyway I love this ensemble, very laid-back chic; especially with that trench jacket.

    And as for your summer trips, I suggest you come to Iceland, it’s beautiful during the summer and we have 24 hrs of daylight. Since you mentioned you want to go on a roadtrip, I think you’d love it here, plus it’s only 3 hrs non-stop from Amsterdam :)

  3. Amazing little bag! Such a summer colour!!!! For a roadtrip the only place that comes to mind in Europe is Italy! the food, the weather, the wine, the countryside, the culture!!!