AndyTorresElBorn4 AndyTorresElBorn AndyTorresElBorn3 AndyTorresElBorn5 AndyTorresElBorn2 AndyTorresElBorn6 AndyTorresElBorn9 AndyTorresElBorn7 AndyTorresElBorn8
I’M WEARING  >>  Dress: ASOS  (0n sale)  |  Sandals: Mango  (similar here)  |  Belt: ASOS


55 Responses

  1. My photographer friend would literally drool over these. I will definitely share this post with her. She always (ALWAYS!) talks about light and shadows :) Absolutely stunning photos, Andy. That dress is amazing! Just followed you on Twitter (I am the last person to join and get a hang of it haha) and hope you are having a fab time in Mexico, girlie.
    xox Nadia