Andy Torres from StyleScrapbook wearing a denim shirt in Amsterdam AndyTorresDenim7 AndyTorresDenim6 AndyTorresDenim8 AndyTorresDenim4 AndyTorresDenim2 AndyTorresDenim5 AndyTorresDenim3

I’M WEARING  >>  Shirt: ZARA  |  Jeans: ASOS  |  Scarf: H&M (Super Old)  |  Rings: Tom Wood  |  Bag: ZARA  |  Bracelet: Hermes

If you read my last few posts, you would know why I had to take a “forced” sabbatical few days because of doctors orders, in fact I don’t think it got a whole lot better if I am honest. The numbness in my hands has dialled down a lot, or maybe it was that I got distracted and completely focused on New York City instead. I literally didn’t touch my computer for a week and a half, but the moment I started working on these photos, the slight pain came back. Dammit, seriously! I don’t know what else I can do. My doctor says is ok, that theres nothing wrong but I have never felt this before and I can’t help but to worry. I hope it gets better in the next few days.

I am so happy to be posting again though I must say. I have missed you!


93 Responses

  1. Hola Andy, Ok… so reading on what you said, I would fully recommend going to a chiropractor for a consult. My mom was having our same symptoms for years, thinking about getting surgery and I forced her to go and see my dr. I can assure you that his adjustment had an immediate impact on her hands and her pain. She said she hadn’t felt that release of pain and movement for years. We are both Mexican (and my mom a doctor) and I know that in our culture chiropractors are sort of a taboo/fake doctor…maybe not to you, but for us it was- those adjustments have changed our lives. Just think about it.

  2. Looking great in double denim and heels! :)

    Hope things are getting better.. I know how it feels with the pain in the hands and fingers.. I used to go to bed with pain and wake up with pain when I was graduating and writing my thesis. It took me 2 years of barely touching computers and lots of sports and exercise to make it manageable.

    Geekette in High Heels

  3. ¡Hola Andy! Me llamo Homero Ocampo y soy Mexicano.

    Me da muchísimo gusto el poder escribirte por primera vez en tu blog, a pesar de que no te encuentres bien de salud. De todo corazón deseo tu pronta recuperación.

    Adny, ¡Me encantas y me encata tu blog!, ¡Son una misma persona!. Te sigo la pista desde ELLE México Diseña 2013, junto con Rolando Santana y Sarah Galido, la primera vez que vi tu blog, me gusto y hasta la fecha me sigue gustando. ¿Te confieso algo Andy? A pesar de ser Hombre, siempre sigo las tendencias de moda que nos enseñas, las aplico y ¿Por que no?…experimento, considerarme un fiel seguidor que esta a unos poquitos y miles de kilómetros, pero que te sigue y seguirá a donde sea. ¡Recuperate Pronto Andy! ¡Saludos!

    Atte: C.P. Homero Ocampo

  4. Hi Andy,

    I hope you’ll be okay soon. I know how painful it can be, it’s totally a pain in the ass if I may say so. I felt this before, and it’s exactly what you needed to do: some rest. Btw, I’m so glad you’re back, and this denim on denim look is so great on you! x

  5. Hola Andy, yo tuve una tendinitis en el hombro por el uso continuado del ratón en el trabajo, mi brazo estaba más tiempo estirado sobre el ratón que apoyado sobre el teclado. Tenía que modificar la postura del brazo y la solución fue comprar un nuevo teclado más pequeño que no tiene números a la derecha. La verdad es que las teclas numéricas nunca las utilizaba. El problema era que el teclado expandido con números a la derecha hacía que mi brazo manejara el ratón demasiado lejos del cuerpo en una postura forzada y tensa. Ahora con el teclado pequeño el ratón está más cerca y la posición de mi brazo y hombro es natural. Todo el dolor se me fue. No sé si este es tu problema exactamente pero mi caso debe inspirarte para salir de la caja, tienes que ser creativa y pensar una solución en la que tu muñeca tenga un movimiento natural. También puedes ayudarte de la tecnología, no sé, tal vez existan ya dispositivos que te permitan manejar todas las funciones del ordenador con la voz en lugar de las manos. Espero que te sirva de ayuda. Un abrazo desde Madrid. Mª José Torres.

    1. Muchísimas gracias Maria Jose! De hecho he estado buscando ese tipo de soluciones también. Aparte de dejar de usar tanto el iPhone y agarrarlo de una manera especifica. Leí que muchas veces la razón del dolor es que agarramos en celular en una manera que no es natural para los músculos de la mano. Siguen haciendo los teléfonos mas y mas grandes y no se ponen a pensar en los problemas anatómicos que le van a traer a los consumidores a largo plazo.

      Un beso enorme!

  6. Weve missed you. Can you look into diction type apps and other types of tech to help? Hope you get better.

  7. Hopefully it goes away soon, sometimes these things take time! Anyway, glad to see you’re back. I just posted about a bracelet I got stamped with the word smile on it, the idea coming from when you got your tattoo and how beautiful I thought that was. One can never be reminded enough to smile!

  8. I’m glad you’re back… at least I could see you on Instagram the last days!
    Get well soon!

  9. Hi Andy, you may want to check out videos by Miranda Esmonde-White. She’s a former ballerina who’s done her research a technique called Classical Stretching. Now while her videos are geared towards aging gracefully there a few that deal with problems of the wrists and fingers.

  10. I can so imagine what you are going through, I’m the girl who starts to google everything right away. I’m glad to see you back here though, hand numbness and all! Just make sure you keep on focusing on getting better :)


    1. I also do that but sometimes the only thing google does is freak us out by making us think we have something that we don’t, my doctor asked me to stop googling diseases hahahaha

  11. Hi,
    You have such aan amazing look , we think that, for your next shooting , put some of our most beautiful DIAMONDS, they will look so beautiful on you !

    1. So glad you have been following me on other social medias!. I was hoping I could make it up to there for the absence here :)

  12. Andy, so happy to see you again in your blog. Please, take care of you!!!
    We all need to TAKE A REST sometimes. We’ll still be here for you and wait for you!!
    Much love!!

  13. I was so excited to see a new post from you! :) glad you’re back to blogging, but I hope you feel better soon!! Health is the most important thing after all, so if you have to take things slow, do it. Forcing yourself would only make it worse.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you feel better soon <3

    X, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

  14. You come back in the best way, with an amazing denim over denim look. These ripped jeans are so cool and the mix with the leather trench is very interesting, it’s casual and rock style in a perfect balance. Adore the neck scarf details, it’s beautiful and super chic. I hope you enjoyed NYC and you’ll be better soon

    1. NYC was amazing and a great way to rest from being on the computer all the time! ;)
