AndyTorresWynwoodWallsAndyTorresWynwoodWalls5AndyTorresWynwoodWalls8AndyTorresWynwoodWalls2AndyTorresWynwoodWalls3AndyTorresWynwoodWalls4AndyTorresWynwoodWalls6AndyTorresWynwoodWalls7AndyTorresWynwoodWalls9I’M WEARING  >>  Dress: & Other Stories  |  Sandals: ZARA  |  Sunnies: Karen Walker  |  Bag: Coach

Traveling has its cons at times, even if they are minor compared to the overjoy that seeing new places brings and I don’t want to ramble on the negatives, but having to fit enough things to wear/shoot when you have limited bag allowance is hard!. I say this as I remember trying to fit an extra pair of shoes while packing for Miami.
I am actually getting a lot better at packing even though its not one of my favourite things to do, I gotta admit. I used to pack an entire bag of clothes and an entire separate bag with shoes and bags only. But what was the point of this apart from making my trip heavier? I never ended up wearing 6o% of the shoes I was bringing anyway.
For this trip I stripped it down to a minimum of shoes and bags, I only brought what I actually needed and my shoes were completely outnumbered by the amount of swimwear I took instead. It did feel pretty good to carry less pointless footwear and in the end, this sandals were all I wanted to wear anyway.


92 Responses

  1. The Art is MIAMI is incredible. I’d love to see this city and just wandered through these amazing streets… Love the sandals.

  2. i hope this doesn’t come off as rude, but that isn’t Wynwood Walls. That’s The building where Junior & Hatter is. Granted Wynwood Walls is about 5 minutes away

  3. My city! :) Saw the backdrop and thought it was a post from one of my fellow Miami bloggers at first haha. I used to pack the same exact way! Definitely learned to optimize my outfits better and knowing exactly what I need. Love the shoes–I’d only want to wear those, too!

  4. What a cool setting! Love all the colors and graphics! Lovely dress and great Coach purse!;-)
    Yes, I know the dilemma about packing in one suitcase! I will be flying to Europe very soon and I’m already scared of packing!:O :D

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