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I fear sounding repetitive when I say that every single spot on this road trip has been incredibly stunning but the truth is, they all have been, in different ways. When we drove into Arizona I imagined a completely different landscape, for some stupid reason I had this cliche idea that it would be very arid, surrounded by copper coloured mountains, you know, those photos you find on google when you search Arizona. It was so much more than that though!,so rich in vegetation, so incredibly beautiful. Just after we spent hours trying to shoot at the Grand Canyon, we drove into the small town of Flagstaff Arizona. I can’t remember how long it took, maybe around an hour and a half but what we saw on the road there was absolutely incredible! Endless meadows with tall yellow grass, fog covered mountains, just beauty all around. We parked on the side of the road and sat there for a while, just looking at the view, it was absolutely breathtaking…Running around those meadows is one of the moments I will dearly miss and probably never forget.


82 Responses

  1. I live in AZ, and people are always surprised when they come to visit. They immediately think it will just be a flat area of sand and dirt with some cactus and mountains, but its SO mud more than that. we have such beautiful forests, lakes and endless fields of cotton and flowers…its really unreal. There are so many different parts to this state that its so hard to explain!

  2. I might be standing on a corner in Flagstaff, Arizona, such a fine sight to see….. haha
    Great blog!
    Keep running down that road!

  3. Stunning photos. I can totally imagine how much fun you had running through the meadows and enjoying that amazing view. Hope your roadtrip will be filled with beautiful moments like this one. xoxo Vanessa