STSC7184STSC7238STSC7549STSC7324STSC7360STSC7429STSC7366STSC7577STSC7584Photos at The Parker Palm Springs Hotel  |  I’M WEARING  >>  Trench Coat: Vintage Burberry   |  Pants: ZARA  |  Shoes: Jimmy Choo  |  Sweatshirt: Stine Goya  |  Bag: Neri Karra  |  Bracelet: Hermes

This was my last day in Palm Springs and even though I really didn’t want to leave at all (I could have happily stayed at The Parker for a month, I swear!), I was EXTREMELY excited for out next road trip pitstop. We are off to The Grand Canyon!!!, something I have always dreamt as a child and growing up, its been a bucket list dream to see it in person, a big big dream.


88 Responses

  1. This outfit is just amazing. The trench is classic, elegant and it looks perfect with these plaid pants, together they created a fancy mix. These Jimmy Choo high heels are the new love of my life, they are really beautiful, original and super chic.