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7 years ago, approximately at this time of the day, perhaps a bit later I wrote my first blog post. I had no idea somebody would read what I was writing, in hindsight if I did, I would have written something completely different. I was such a different person back then, I had so much to learn, so many ups and downs waiting to happen, so many experiences I still had to go through. If I knew what I know now, I would have done so many things differently, but I am so glad I didn’t, because every single decision took me to this moment, right here, right now…Most of you probably don’t know the real story of why I started StyleScrapbook, part of the story is still just mine to keep, but part of it has always been out in the open…7 years ago today, I started this blog from the dinning room of the first house I first lived in when I moved to Holland, while Richard and his brother Andrew where sitting in the living room watching a Rugby game;

-“Hey guys!, I just wrote my first blog post!!!” I shouted from the dinning room, highly excited.

They probably thought it was one of my silly girl things and I can’t really blame them. Back then I didn’t really know anybody in Amsterdam, my family was in Mexico, I had just left university back home, all my friends, everything to move to Europe and start a new life here. When I look back I realise how freaking brave I was, I would probably think about it 20 times before making a decision like that again, but why is it that as we get older, we get more scared?…I was so fearless, I had so many dreams, so many goals, I wasn’t going to let anybody stop me.

7 years later I am still as driven, probably double as hard working, a lot more cautious and I had to go through a lot of ups, downs, friendships, betrayals, extreme happiness, and tears. I want to point out the positive as well as the negative, because it hasn’t all been easy and thats the reality, but it has been worth it.

I have said this before and I will say this again, because I can’t ever thank you enough for supporting me, for being so positive and loving when you comment on every post, by following my story not only here, but on Social Media as well. Sometimes I get so shocked and it warms my heart when I get emails or comments form you, mentioning periods of my life, or specific situations you remember clearly. It makes me feel connected to you in some way, because I know that you are there and I somehow have the fortune to have made thousands and thousands of friends who follow my journey. Never believe that I take your visits and comments for granted, because they still mean the world to me, every single one of them.

THANK YOU for these 7 YEARS and I can’t wait so see whats coming next!


I’M WEARING  >>  Jumper: Stine Goya  |  Jeans: ASOS  |  Boots: ZARA

147 Responses

  1. Congratulations Andy!!! You are a WARRIOR and you deserve the very best my sweet. Keep up your humble and hard working spirit – you are so likable and that is so rare on the internet.

    I genuinely route for you a lot.

    On a suggestion mark – one of the things that I love about you is your wonderful and extremely personal take on fashion – you are very different from girls like the Blonde Salad who just limit themselves to wear the new season´s it pieces mixing designers and that´s it.

    You truly have a personal take on your outfits and have a strong personal style which I love – anyway, my suggestion would be that you made more DIY posts – they are so fantastic and you are so talented – they really inspire me and are def among my favorites of your blog.

    I know they might take more time but maybe you could just have some help with that and work on that item? Oh that would be so awesome and truly separate you even further from the ocean of yes stylish – but very dull, very the same, very I´m a girl with lots of money – bloggers of today :)

    It was just a suggestion, lots of love and success.


  2. Hey Andy, congratulations with 7 years of blogging! You’ve done so well and you should be immensely proud of yourself. I’ve been following you for about 5 years now, not only for the fashion (which is great of course) but also for the stories as I also moved abroad leaving all my friends and family behind 6 years ago and your blog posts always bring a smile on my face and make me feel positive about my own future. xx

  3. What doesn’t kill you make you stronger!
    congratulations again Andy!
    You deserve all this success <3

  4. Happy birhtday Stylescapbook :D
    i remember you said a quote:
    “only those who risk going too far can possiblely find out how far one can go” in you TED talk.

    i dont know what to say, but hope you be happy and if there is sometime you feel sad, lonely, or anything, just remember, there is me, a fade girl faraway always beside you, and you are not alone, dont be said :D
    Love you Andy
    (also, i love the song: anything could happe, you recommend)

  5. Lovely post! Congratulations with the 7th anniversary!!
    I know exactly what you are talking about with packing all your stuff, leaving everybody behind and moving into a completely different country! It a great free feeling but oh so hard sometimes.. You did well, finding new friends and starting a bussiness with your blog! Congrats again! I enjoyed your post.

    X, Marky

  6. Congratulations,Andy for the 7 year birthday of your blog !!! I have been following you since 2008 and I feel that you are already a part of my life,as checking your blog every week has become some sort of habit for me.
    I wish you all the best with that and I can say that I’ve done an amazing job turning your dream into reality in all these years!

    Lots of love

  7. Ahhhh Andy! I’m so proud of and happy for you, congratulations!
    I’ve been following your Instagram (then your blog) for more than a year now and I never get tired of it. You’re such an inspiration, and you are my favourite fashion blogger. We love you! Thank you for your originality and your never-ending awesomeness.

    Stay wonderful and phenomenal!

  8. ¡Muchas felicidades desde Monterrey! Me encanta tu blog y admiro que hayas tomado la decisión de irte a otro lugar que no se parece en nada a México. Un aplauso a tus primeros 7 años como blogger y a tus primeros 7 años de decisiones locas y arriesgadas pero llenas de recompensas.

  9. Congratulations Andy!

    Love reading your blog and love your style. Thank you for being real!!!

    Wishing you many more years of success!!!



  10. Andy!! primero que nada muchas felicidades, 7 años es algo fantástico, algún día quiero llegar a decir lo mismo, cuando empece a ver tu blog fue porque me gusto como te vestiste en una entrevista relacionada con Elle México,no sabia quien eras e investigue, me tope con que eres una chava super talentosa, autentica, empece a investigar mas sobre ti, vi tus programas y desde ahi te sigo, todos los días checo instagram para ver que posteas, que te pones o simplemente que dices, leo tu blog diario, y me da gusto que últimamente estés publicando diario como lo hacías cuando comencé a seguirte, ademas de que me has llegado muchas veces con tus historias y me has sacado una que otra lagrima, y a veces he saltado de felicidad por las cosas bonitas que te suceden, o como cuando hago ilustraciones de tus looks, sigue siendo tu y siguele echando los kilos :D

  11. Hi Andy,
    big congrats are in order for you! It’s amazing how far you’ve gone. You were one of the very first fashion bloggers I’ve followed and it’s great to see you accomplish your goals along the way. I wish you even more success in the upcoming years.
    Lots of love


  12. Happy birthday, and what a birthday for a blog, it means a lot of time !
    Hope you’ll always have projects to surprise us all each time.
    As a blogger, I am quite curious about what could be the worst things you could have met during 7 years of blogging and how you deal with it !


  13. Hola Andy, te sigo hace más de un año me encanta lo escribes y compartes con tus lectores además obviamente de tu estilo, sigue compartiendo. Saludos desde México.

  14. I follow you from the beginning, when the phenomenon of “Fashion blogger” was not very popular.
    Over the years I’ve noticed that you stay yourself, following the fashion but putting it in a little of you.
    For this reason I continue to read every day your blog (:

    Congrats Andy :D

  15. I love all what you do Andy, every single day I check up your post, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I enjoy all your work you are a big inspiration for me.

  16. Well done ANDY and heartiest congratulations
    lots of love to you out there
    i have been following you from 3 years now and you are great as ever
    wish you all the success and happiness <3

  17. Congratulations Andy!

    I’ve only been following you for a good year, but you’re really an inspiration for me. I love how wearable and real your style is and the fact that you don’t just wear designer clothing.

    Oh, and also, I’ve loved every single song you’ve posted on here as well (some I already knew, some were discoveries), so go ahead and post some more!

    Lots of love from Hungary/Belgium

  18. Congrats Andy! You’ve come a long way – I’ve been following your blog for a few years now and it’s great to see how you’ve developed. And probably there are many more great things to come!

  19. Congrats Andy! I remember when I first came across your blog, I was in awe of your style and still am today! One of the only blogs I follow who still remains true to themselves, always trying to reply and continuously giving us all a dip into your (super jealous of) lifestyle! x

  20. Congrats Andy!!! You are all an inspiration, since the beggining you had something special to show everybody because there is something that make you connect with people.

    Te deseo todo lo mejor :)

  21. Hey Andy,
    I am to late but I wanted to say that you can be so proud of yourself! I have loved to see a part of your yourney, your style changing, I am happy everytime I see a new blogpost! I wish you the world and enjoy the time with your niece xx

  22. This is amazing! Congratulations Andy, you are doing such an amazing work! This blog is a big inspiration for me to start a blog when I was in 8th grade and I am very grateful of it! Wishing you all the best for years to come!

    Lots of love,
    Sophia //

  23. Happy 7th anniversary to my favorite blog!! I’m so happy for you Andy!!
    Thanks for taking us to Style Scrapbook journey, keep going and make more dreams come true!!


  24. Andy, usually I come here to see your outfits because I like it, you was my inspiration to create my blog, and reading this words of you, make me feel more powerfull that I can do ANYTHING!! Congratulations for all your hard work, you’re one in a million, you made history on the fashion blogs, one more time, congratulations & happy birthday Stylescrapbook :D




  26. Hey Andy, I started following you in 2010 or earlier and I’m glad I still do. I met you in Bologna once and I’d like to meet you again sometime. Keep up with the great work and good luck my dear Andy :)

  27. Muchas felicidades Andy!! Leo tu blog desde hace mucho. Eres una inspiración para muchísimas personas (a mi también me encantaría irme a vivir a otro país, como tu lo hiciste) y te quiero agradecer por compartirnos tanto!!

    Besos desde México.

  28. Creo que te sigo hace ya unos 4 años pero nunca te he escrito. Cada vez hago menos descubrimientos de nuevos blogs y sigo con muchos de los mismos que sigo desde que empecé a leer blogs, aunque últimamente mucho de ellos sean todos lo mismo, promocionar lo mismo el mismo día y da que pensar. Pero tú no, has llegado lejos y lo has convertido en tu trabajo, pero se nota que no haces publicidad alguna y todas las marcas con las que trabajas es porque eliges esos trabajos concienzudamente. A veces, pienso que jamás me pondría algunos looks que publicas porque no son para nada mi estilo pero casi siempre me gustan y me parece genial que arriesgues tanto :) Yo lo intento hacer a mi manera. Todo esto para decir que eres una inspiración y que has evolucionado para bien. Te deseo lo mejor y felicidades muy merecidas por estos 7 años :)
    Un beso!

  29. Congratulations dear Andrea! It is so amazing all these years!

    You deserve it so much, I never met you (not yet, I hope we will some day) but I have the feeling that I know you a little through all these posts, words, ..

    I wish you all the best for the future & let’s make us dream again & again with your amazing blog posts


  30. Felices 7 años del blog!! siempre siempre todos los días me paso por aquí, me encanta la forma en la que ves
    la vida y la moda! :D Te he seguido como desde hace 5 años.
    Yo apenas empece con una pagina y espero llegar a ser tan grande como tu, y espero que sigas muchísimo tiempo más!
    Todavía me acuerdo de un post en especifico que escribiste que ibas en un parque con unos super tacones y una señora te paro y te dijo que si estabas loca, que eso no se usaba jajaja.

    Anywayyyy, Felicidades Andy!! sigue así :D
    Saludos desde San Luis Potosí, México en donde hace frío y estábamos a -2 y no sabíamos que hacer :P

  31. Happy Birthday Andy!!! You are so inspiring and your blog is amazing, I follow you everyday! Thanks for sharing your journey!

  32. Quiero felicitar tu trabajo que me ha gustado desde hace 4 años que empece a seguirte, la verdad es que eres mi inspiracion!!!
    Sigue asi!

  33. Andy:

    ¡Muchas felicidades! Tu evolución ha sido genial durante estos 7 años y se nota.

    Has hecho que muchas personas busquemos y nos esforcemos por encontrar nuestro estilo, pero lo más importante es que muestras y demuestras que te pones lo que te gusta sin importar lo que los demás piensen.


  34. Cuanta dulzura! que lindo lo que escribiste, por poco mas me largo a llorar con el ultimo párrafo :) te mando un saludo desde Argentina Andy y me alegro muchísimo por vos! que Dios te bendiga linda!

  35. I never really leave comments anywhere but I want you to know that I’m so happy for you. I think I started following your blog 3-4 years ago when there was only few and I love the fact that you remained the same.
    When I look at the blog I see that everything is so Andy,picutres,texts under them,blog design. Every little part of this blog has grown with you but it still feels -ANDY- I love that.
    Hate seeing so many blogs changed or doing the same as everybody else.

    Good job! And keep doing your thaang girl!

  36. Dear Andy, a few months ago I watched your TED talk and your story was so inspiring for me!I also live in Amsterdam and have been at the same situation as you when you came here, young and brave! Your story motivated me, gave me faith and made me believe that it is all possible!Four months months later, I am walking on my dream and I got the courage to start it, partly of you! Happy birthday! Happy 7years! Continue the Stylestcrapbook journey and keep on being such a positive and nice person!


  37. Well done you!!! ;-) congrats Andy, you are my favourite blogger hope you keep being yourself because that’s what I love about your blog! It’s a great pleasure to visit your blog everyday!! Beijinhos de uma Portuguesa em Londres!! :-* keep up the good work!!!

  38. Hey Gorgeous! You are amazing, just the way you are :) The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy – its a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Remember that the times when its most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested. I’m so glad you never gave up on writing and sharing your story. Andy, I know you are on the right path. Thank you for being YOU, thank you for being TRUE! Here’s hoping you get all your “birthday” wishes when you blow out those candles. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s you. xx from Vienna

  39. Hey Gorgeous! You are amazing, just the way you are :) The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy – its a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Remember that the times when its most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested. I’m so glad you never gave up on writing and sharing your story. Andy, I know you are on the right path. Thank you for being YOU, thank you for being TRUE! Here’s hoping you get all your “birthday” wishes when you blow out those candles. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s you. LOVE from Vienna

  40. Congratulations, Andy, the success is well-deserved.
    To be honest, you’re a true inspiration for me in this part of my life as I’ve just moved to Amsterdam myself a few months ago. So thinking of how you started from scratch in the same city and looking at where you are right now gives me a lot of motivation and hope. So thank you for that. :)

  41. Muchas felicidades Andy!! Recuerdo cuando viniste a Vallarta, me emocioné tanto. Siempre guardé la esperanza de encontrarme contigo jajaja – Te admiro, besos!! <3


  43. Congratulations Andy!
    It’s crazy how quickly time has passed since you began writing – I still remember your sewing DIY’s and the first Christmas in Amsterdam posts like it was yesterday :D You’re the perfect example that hard, consistent work really does pay off and such an amazing fitness inspiration! I wish you many many more exciting blogging years <3

  44. Congratulations on 7years of Style Scrapbook. I truly think that you had to had all those ups and downs in order to get where you are today. Can’t wait for the future. xoxo Vanessa

  45. Thank YOU Andy!
    Gracias ti por escribir este blog.
    Gracias por que tú has sido un gran ejemplo para mi.
    Gracias por que durante los 5 años que te he seguido, me has ayudado a encontrarme a mi misma.


    Suerte! <3

  46. You are such an inspiration! Happy Birthday! And thank you for sharing I’ve enjoyed watching your journey and continue to look forward to your posts.

    Muchas Gracias!

  47. So nice to hear such a personal story from you, though I have been reading for many years (this was one of the first blogs that got me into blogs. Yo and Garance, I could never ever turn my back to your blogs, and please do not stop)
    But I always have so many questions about you. Who took the first pictures, what happens to the stuff that never gets worn twice? Where do you find pants for those mile long legs.

    Happy blog birthday and keep it up!

  48. It is not about us… It is about you, just you and no one else. It is your hard work, your crazy moves… I would never ever done it by myself! It is because of your great personality and the energy you send over your blog. Even today I go through your all posts. From the first one!… and no matter what, It will always be about you!!!
    we just keep pushing you a little bit :)


  49. Antes de todos FELICIDADES.
    Tu eres un ejemplo de vida, de fuerza, de belleza, de todo lo que es una super y grande mujer.
    Tu blog es la secunda pagina de mi Top Sites y no hay dia que miro a tu trabajo, tu estilo y todos los viajes que estas haciendo y que has echo.
    Andy tu eres la mejor de todas la blogger de moda y ne conozco bastante para decirlo.
    Hasta pronto a lo mejor en enero estaré a Amsterdam para empezar una nueva vida como has hecho tu antes.
    Cruzas los dedos para mi porfa.
    Quien sabe, puede ser que por las calles de AMS nos veremos.
    Mucha Suerte y mill anos mas de todo esto.
    Besitos :)

    1. Muchísimas gracias Ci y mucha suerte en tu viaje!!!!!! Espero toparme contigo por los canales de Amsterdam :) <3

  50. Felicidades Andy! un muy buen trabajo! aparte de hablarnos de moda, nos haces ver que los sueños se pueden cumplir! muchos años mas!

  51. Muchas felicidades Andy! I’m happy to see you have accomplished so much and that you don’t regret having taken risks 7 years ago. I’ll try to be braver from now on and follow my heart, because it is really difficult for me. Thanks for inspiring me.
    I wish you the best :)

  52. HI Andy,
    i am following your blog for the past 7 years, and you have all the reasons to be proud of yourself. You did so much! And i love your blog, and read everything you do! Keep going!

  53. Happy 7th Anniversary! You’ve been such an inspiration since you are true to yourself, true to us. You have style plus you truly SMILE. This is why we really like you..