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I know I keep saying I should do something different to my hair and I get quite bored with the same hairdo all the time, yet when it comes to hair, I am sadly not as creative as I am when it comes to styling clothes.

Some of you know that I am in Morocco shooting for Jimmy Choo for the past week, hence why the blog has been so quiet these days and its just that I haven’t had ANY TIME for anything else apart from shooting and the occasional sightseeing. The point is, for one of my looks for the Jimmy Choo shoot, the hair stylist asked me what did I want and I though: What the heck, lets do something completely different to what I would normally go for, give me some edgy “Avatarish” braids.

When I first saw myself in the mirror I felt like a completely different person and it took me a while to get used to it but in the end, I thought it was exactly what I asked for and completely out of my hair comfort zone…



50 Responses

  1. Its always fun to try something new with your hair. I have to say though I’m lucky in way that I am able to change my hair as often as I like and keep a semi temporary hair style. I really like the braids on you and will you be sharing some photos from the Jimmy Choo shoot?

    Maggie A

  2. Your hair looks gorgeous like this! You should definitely try different up do’s more often.


  3. It looks gorgeous! And I agree, it’s great to do something different with your hair every once and a while, but I’m not that creative with hair either. I’m more creative when it comes to styling clothes.