AndyTorresAW4AndyTorresAW3 AndyTorresAW7 AndyTorresAW6 AndyTorresAW2 AndyTorresAWI’M  WEARING  >>  Top: Alexander Wang X H&M  |  Jeans: DL1961  |  Jacket: H&M Studio Collection  |  Boots: Stine Goya  |  Bag: Alexander Wang

Just 3 days left until Alexander Wang for H&M launches in stores…Do you already know what you are going to get?



88 Responses

  1. El toque ultra femenino de las media me encanta. Se pareces a las que usaba de niña. Detalles así hacen que un look pase de estar bien a ser WOW!

  2. I love your hair! I have a similar haircut except yours looks amazing and mine looks like poop. Would love it if you could do a hair tutorial some day :)

  3. andy ….my fashionista .. i just checked around h&m for that jacket couldn’t find. isn’t from current collection or you had purchased it before.?

    1. Hi there,

      i think only the top is from the Alexander Wang H&M collection… but let’s see what Andy has to say.

      Kassi xx

  4. i didn’t even realise this was a shirt at first, thought it was a two piece over leggings…fab! Great way to mix quirk/girly/grunge

  5. Really love this sweater, both the black and white one. The black dress in the same style is pretty cool as well. Unfortunately I’m not the kind of girl to go camping in front of the store, so probably won’t get my hands on neither of these items :).