AndyTorresLace3 AndyTorresLace8AndyTorresLace6 AndyTorresLace9 AndyTorresLace7 AndyTorresLace11 AndyTorresLace5 AndyTorresLace12 AndyTorresLace AndyTorresLace10 AndyTorresLace13All Lingerie by Hunkemoller

Every now and then I try to push myself out of my comfort zones, in every way, just to challenge how brave I can actually be. Sometimes I surprise myself at how easy it is to face fears once you are there, in front of them. The first step is always the hardest one, taking the step to make the decision can be what stops me from moving forward but then I always wonder if its worth it, to live in the “what ifs”, the I could have, I would have or I should have. Life is complicated at times, or is it just us making everything complicated, when in fact it is a lot easier than we think?



88 Responses

  1. Challenging ourselves are always a good thing to improve. Be it good or bad, we learn and we move on to be a better person. Good to see you in these gorgeous pieces! Definitely out of comfort zone and I’m glad you did it =)

  2. Someone should send the girls over on IG to see that. How easily classy one can make lingerie look. …But that is just my opinion lol.

    You look amazing Andy!

  3. Las fotos están bellas y osadas. Me gustaron mucho. Opino igual que tú, a veces hay que atreverse a tomar decisiones y ponerse en escenarios diferentes.

  4. I must agree! Sometimes in our heads we build up the situations so big and terrifying, when actually they are quite simple. Especially if those are situations you have to deal for the first time. That unknowing is messing with our heads.

    Btw, absolutely beautiful photos!

  5. once again, such a nice series of pictures!! you look gorgeous :)

    and i really agree with you – our fears seem way less intimidating once we’ve gone past them. getting out of my comfort zone is definitely something i try to do as often as possible.

    x tiphaine