AndyTorresConcorde6AndyTorresConcorde3 AndyTorresConcorde2 AndyTorresConcorde7 AndyTorresConcorde8 AndyTorresConcorde11 AndyTorresConcorde10 AndyTorresConcorde5 AndyTorresConcorde9 AndyTorresConcorde4 AndyTorresConcordeI’M WEARING  >>  Skirt: Eddie Anemian for H&M  |  Blazer: Vintage Ralph Lauren  |  Shoes: Jimmy Choo  |  Bracelet: Hermes  |  Bag: Jimmy Choo  |  Sunglasses: ASOS  |  Rings: Tom Wood

Sometimes life hits you in the face with very drastic changes, some which become a wakeup call and push you or motivate you to make changes. Fashion Week was not just a whirlwind because of the shows, meetings, get togethers, flights, etc, but I was also in the middle of making a personal decision on top of everything.
I like safety and knowing that things are under control which is why I have held back so many times regarding certain aspects in my life. The blog has grown enormously since 7 years ago and in all that process, I sort of forgot about myself and only focused on StyleScrapbook, which I was completely ok with, I love what I do and I would do it again in a split second, but I also feel its time to also make some personal changes.

Everything here remains the same, no I am not going anywhere, I love you too much to leave and I would miss you like crazy, but big personal changes might come soon which will only improve my personal life and which excite me a lot. I will keep you on the loop once things are confirmed but this is just a part of the hundreds of layers that make me who I am.


Photos by Richard Nicholls


108 Responses

  1. Did you know that every seven years, you are an entirely new person? All the cells in your body have turned over and you are, essentially, brand new. So birthdays divisible by 7 are always times of change – 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, etc. If your blog is now 7 years old, that means that you are now an entirely different person than when you began it, so of course, change is inevitable. Good luck with your next steps.

  2. This outfit is insane!! I love it from head to toe and that fact that it’s a skirt from H&M makes me love it even more! You look absolutely fabulous.
    The best of luck with all your new endeavors. Can’t wait to see what new a amazing things will reflect on your blog!

  3. that is so awesome to hear that you will be having an exciting new layer for your personal life…I truly wish you the best!


  4. it’s good to hear that you are taking some time to take care of yourself andy you should always put yourself first, and you look stunning while doing it ;)
    xx ish

  5. Your blog has been such a huge inspirations for me and I’ve been following your for years now, so I hope that whatever you have to do will go well and I wish you all the best! You really inspired people :) and this look is a good proof, I love everything about it, the setting is beautiful and the bag is a dream

  6. Andy:
    Me mataste de los nervios cuando leía, espero de verdad que encuentres el equilibrio porque haces tu trabajo excelente, pero el mismo valor lo tiene tu vida personal, y sé que encontrarás el equilibrio.

    Te mando la mejor de las vibras.
    PD: vi tus fotos de novia para Vogue Sposa, te veías increíble, ojala haya boda en puerta.


  7. Wow! This outfit is definitely one of my favorites. I just love the setting you used as well! I love that you’re making changes in your personal life as it may inspire me to do so as well…

  8. I absolutely adore everything about this post, the pics and outfit, and details are amazing! I agree, when you work for yourself, and you yourself are your work, you have to find the right balance between work and personal. It can all to easily become all about the work! C x

  9. Andy por un momento creí que dirías “ya no voy a publicar o algo así” casi muero de depresión, es. Uno que haya cambios, y hay que ser osados a veces, como cuando te fuiste a Europa arriesgaste pero fue lo mejor que pudiste hacer! Sigue caminando fuerte con esas piernas piernas kilométricas que dios te dio :)

  10. Love your space Andy, your pics and all, that look is so original and that skirt is like a mermaid skin :) I hope all is ok with you, and I want to guess about your new personal changes… are you getting married? hopefully!!! I’ve seen your shooting for VOGUE Sposa maybe this was the wakeup call you’re talking about… If you have a minute visit my blog, new post up today!


  11. Hey, besides the very nice outfit… How the hell did you manage to get that skirt that early. The collection will be out in weeks! :o

  12. Absolutely love your outfit Andy! Your blazer looks amazing as does your skirt.
    Happy to know that good things are happening in your personal life.
