AndyTorresPool2AndyTorresPool4AndyTorresPoolAndyTorresPool8AndyTorresPool7AndyTorresPool5I’M WEARING >>  Swimsuit: Yamamay  |  Sunglasses: Celine  |  Hat: & Other Stories

Having all this photos from Miami doesn’t make it easier for me to get over how much I miss being there. I’ve even considered going back, you know, just for a bit, just a little bit longer…I rarely or more like never wear one piece swimsuits, mainly because my torso and legs are quite long so they never quite fit me without looking like I just came from a 1990’s series -Yes, like yesterdays post ;)-. This one surprisingly fits me quite perfectly, I guess its because it separates into 2 parts and just attached in the middle, so its more like a bikini (?), who knows, I just really love it.

andy signature

Photos by Richard Nicholls


101 Responses

  1. Hi! You’re gorgeous and your swimsuit is called trikini in Portugal – because it’s a three pieces suit.

    Have fun :)

  2. LOOOOVE THE PICTURES ANDY!!! It’s so magazine-esque / looks like advertisement photo’s! ♥
    Love the black piece in the middle of the bathing suit, pretty hott :)

  3. I always have the same problem, rompers are a hassle to buy too, especially seeing as I order most of my clothes online (there’s not a lot of decent and cheap shopping in Barbados)! However, the front of this bikini is super gorgeous.


  4. Great shots! I love the swimsuit!

    CHECK OUT MY NEW POST sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/crocodiles-and-metallic-skirts.html?m=1

  5. Great shots! I love that swimsuit!

    CHECK OUT MY NEW POST sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/crocodiles-and-metallic-skirts.html?m=1

  6. Such a gorgeous swimsuit! Looks chic and sexy. Nice hat too. Perfect for those days when you lounge by the pool.
