STSC8049j STSC8078jSTSC8266j STSC8295j STSC8249jSTSC8225jJacket: Filles a Papa  |  Top: Monki  |  Bottoms: H&M  |  Necklace: Fashionology

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120 Responses

  1. Are you wearing anything underneath the Monki top?
    I always want to know how to wear this without showing my nipples…

  2. SUCH a daring outfit post! WOW! I adore that STATEMENT biker from Filles a Papa, woahhh! Btw, you should check out my newest and possibly one of my best editorials/outfits featuring the Rag & Bone Deep V (no cleavage) sweater, Céline S/S14 runway fringe Aztec woven scarf (for Coachella?), and Phillip Lim debatable sandle/loafer/slingbacks!!! Guaranteed to provoke on a very ‘ART’ level!

    xx The Provoker

  3. That jacket is beyond perfect! I am so in love with it, it’s crazy! And you look stunning as usual xx