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I’ve exercised my entire life. Basketball team, Track and field team, Gymnastics team, you name it, my mom had me in all of them and I LOVED it. I guess thats just a part of who I am and I don’t feel myself if I am not doing sports. I started a running routine for the past 4 years, but I injured my knee last July -some of you might remember- and I was on stand by for months. My physiotherapist told me I wouldn’t be able to run for around 5 months, which seemed quite excessive to me, but she was so right.

A few weeks ago, I met up with pro Dutch Footballer Anouk Hoogendijk who recently came out of knee injury and helped me out with some tips of how she overcame it, which made me super motivated to get back into my old routine.
I decided challenge myself and run the “We Own The Night” race in Amsterdam on the 7th of June but I have to start from scratch, literally build up my condition from nothing, from all those months which I wasn’t able to exercise because of the pain on my knee…I have the best team behind me, coaching me on running and core training, but I know its going to be challenging, a lot of muscle pain, a lot of pushing myself physically and mentally but I am so ready for the challenge.
I am sure you will follow and support my journey and if you are in Amsterdam on that date, come run the race with me!, you can sign up HERE.

And so it begins…

andy signature


82 Responses

  1. Dear Andy,

    thanks for the hint concerning “We own the night”. I just registered for Berlin :-)
    So now I’m forced to get back into training ;-)

    Good luck for your knee and the Amsterdam race!

    Cool Sneakers, by the way :-)

    Greetings from Berlin

  2. Good luck with the race i am sure you will make it! I always wanted to start running but as weird as it sounds i just can’t? i dont know what is wrong with me but instead of running i just swing my arms all over the place and kick myself in the but! ques i need more practice! x

  3. best wishes, Andy! hope your knee is finally feeling better. and if you ever need pockets for your workout outfits, just look me up…(or google portapocket) :)

  4. 5 months? :( Ouch. I had to stop as well due to a back injury from Boxing. I was so bummed. After a month I’m finally feeling a bit better, I might try a very slow session next week, fingers crossed! :D And good luck, I hope you can get back on track easily!
    xoxo from Switzerland