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London is such a dream, seriously climbing up to be my favorite city, although it has very strong competitors…We shot these just after the TopShop Unique show and the light was just magical, specially by the Thames -and yeah, I was 2 meters tall with those shoes on-….I don’t want to leave!

andy signature

Photos by Richard Nicholls


177 Responses

  1. Favorite street style outfit!!! omg in love with the jacket!! someone knows where is from? ,,,, Valeria, México.

  2. This jacket is showy and gorgeous!
    So this suits you.
    Especially I think good items that are your shoes.

  3. Andy, eres realmente una diva que además se siente real y a la cual realmente admiro. Me encanta como te vistes y de verdad que eres como un icono para mi. sigue así!! tus seguidoras lo apreciamos y disfruta de toda la temporada por nosotras vale? un beso desde México :*

  4. The jacket is awesome! Great look! I’m following you now, hope you will follow back :)


  5. The jacket is awesome! Looking great! :) I’m new follower, hope you will follow back :)


  6. Esa biker con lentejuelas verde es DIVINA! adoramos tu estilo siempre y seguimos al dedo tus look porque nos inspiran en nuestras colecciones, FANTASTICA!

  7. That’s amazing!! I love London. It’s become my favourite city over the past few years.

    Btw. the jacket looks awesome :)


  8. Oh my god this outfit is so brilliant! I adore that jacket it’s simply perfect with that sequin detailing xx

  9. Love the light of your pictures, really works magic !!
    Have fun in London Andy :)

    XX Luba

    total black look with golden accessories, perfect for the office, today on