Its been a long time coming since I needed to update my “Shop my Closet“, but there was always this or that in the way…Since I came back from Mexico less than 2 weeks ago, I have been trying to make space in my closet and Its driving me insane that I cant fit anything anymore. Sadly but responsibly, I decided to but some of these items for sale. Im gonna be sad to see them go but I am sure they will find a good home to to go.

I will be trying to upload more stuff soon so stay tuned!

andy signature


44 Responses

  1. Necesitas ser muy fuerte para poder decirle adiós a esas hermosuras, Andy. I wish I could shop them!!

  2. Hola Andy,
    Me interesan muchisimo los zapatos. Los pueden mandar a Chile? Y los precios y tallas?

  3. Why are the prices like if the items were brand new? I thought you wanted to get rid of the stuff. So it should be a sale, right? And you’ve already worn everything. Second hand items are not supposed to have those prices! Girl, I know you agree with me

    1. They are actually a lot cheaper than what they cost me and some of them I only worn twice dear ;)
      These are designer items in excellent conditions, investment classic pieces dear.

  4. Andyy!!!

    Saludos de Colombia!!

    Dónde puedo comprar????? estoy muy interesada!

    Un saludo!

  5. Good thinking! There is nothing like a clear out of the wardrobe to make you feel better PLUS it makes more room for new stuff!! Yay