IMG_4828 AndyTorresTimesSquare2 dos emdmonterrey8 IMG_4572AndyTorresCozySunday6 Vienna4 STSC9124J withkenza Untitled-1 STSC8004 stsc7594c stsc6709 STSC6091j1 stsc4968a STSC5082j STSC5679j stsc2951 stsc3100 STSC2195 seeingdouble4 photo20 photo21 STSC0250 photo8l photo6k photo-22 Mango longtime2 lace1 IMG_8738 IMG_8873 IMG_8643 IMG_9455 IMG_8511 IMG_8478 IMG_7746 IMG_7052 IMG_7701 1 IMG_7466 IMG_7391 IMG_7556 IMG_6400 IMG_6271 IMG_4993 IMG_1635 IMG_1459 IMG_0991 IMG_0430 IMG_0186 IMG_0222 IMG_0156 facingfear1 gallery futuretravels1 12 42 A3 40 38191192da6511e2b1d222000a1fb859_7 andreas AirportPhilips3 alterego1 7001 AndyTorresAWdress21 AndyTorresCozySunday AndyTorresMilitaryjacketStockholm AndyTorresCheckeredPants4 Antwerp6 AndyTorresStockholm1 AngelicaAndreasAndy1 AndyTorresTrenchCoat1 AndyTorresHerengracht ANDYNIKE2 AndyTorresViennaBoots2 AndyTorresLondon4 AndyTorresValentinoShoes4 AndyTorresNuevaYork5 AndyTorresVienna2 bigday5 C emdg1 emddiary40 emddiary33 emddiary44 emddiary1 emddiary48 IMG_0537 IMG_0315 emdmonterrey6 IMG_1378 IMG_1006j2 IMG_0712 1 IMG_0273 1 IMG_0181 IMG_0956 IMG_1714 IMG_1941 IMG_1100 IMG_0831 IMG_0894 IMG_3608 IMG_3748 IMG_3290 IMG_3321 IMG_3703 IMG_3421 IMG_2703 IMG_2043 IMG_3443 IMG_3619 IMG_2196 IMG_2145 IMG_3904 IMG_4432 IMG_4351 IMG_3896 IMG_4762 IMG_4568 IMG_4440 IMG_4420 IMG_4003 IMG_5135 IMG_5951 IMG_6115 IMG_6095 IMG_5217 IMG_5192 IMG_5034 IMG_5566 IMG_5020 IMG_5609 IMG_6490 IMG_6312 IMG_6863 IMG_7028 IMG_7390 IMG_6685 IMG_6960 IMG_7505 IMG_7892 IMG_7960 IMG_8433 IMG_8784 jkh IMG_8685 IMG_8879 mango-080_0098 IMG_9136 1 ink6 onmyway1 photo-20 Philips1 mixing1 photo4j photo5 photo6 photo3 photo9 photo10 pool3 rainy1 polaroid red4 reflections STSC0707j2 stsc0958 STSC1024j STSC1631 STSC2041 stsc1277 STSC1341 STSC2095 stsc2931 STSC2458j STSC3023j STSC3743 stsc3806c stsc3477 STSC5054j stsc5116a stsc5304 STSC3716j STSC5226 STSC5542 stsc6306 STSC6828 stsc6390 stsc6810a STSC7382 stsc5952 STSC7545j STSC7712 STSC8497j stsc8278 stsc9318 STSC9619 STSC8530 STSC9005j sweden tropicana1 STSC9877 STSC9321_Rj stsc9787 photo6l london1 8

Once again a year comes to and end and once again I am feeling quite emotional about it. I guess I am a hopeless romantic and I hate the idea of letting things go, sometimes we have to, but most times its hard.
This year has been full of ups and downs but I feel so blessed to say there have been more ups than downs. Amazing people came to my life and amazing people have stick around.
So many opportunities, trips, projects, laughs and joy filled up this year and I am always so hopeful for the year to come. Its all about keeping a positive attitude and hoping for the best.

I wish you all the most amazing year to come and to spend the last day of this year with the people you love the most.

I am so grateful for having you all sharing this with me, every single day and even if I haven’t met you in person, I feel like I know you and I am forever thankful for all the support …I love you guys and Happy New Year!!!!

andy signature


117 Responses

  1. Hi Andy,
    your pics are wonderful. I love your blog so much!
    Your style is amazing. Absolutely love it! Very pretty ♥
    I can`t wait to see more of your posts in 2014.

    xoxo Juliane

  2. A little late, but I wish you all the best Andy!
    I hope the bad things of the last year turn to the best this year!
    Love you and don’t forget to be strong!

  3. Amazing pictures! I have been reading your blog for years now and I can’t wait to see so many more posts from you.
    Hope you are having a great start of 2014 :) xx

  4. This post is amazing. All of the photos are so wonderful. I really love your style, it’s so awesome and unic, you have such a great fashion taste, and I love your different hairstyle and your makeup aswell. You are such creative with your daily looks, and it has been a joy following your blog this year (and the previeus years aswell) – I wish you a happy new year, and I’m looking forward to following your blog (and your life) another year.
    Love Julie

  5. Andy me encantó el post. Te hago ina pregunta que me genera mucha intriga: tienes novio o estas soletera. Perdón si sientes que es una pregunta fuera del lugar, es que me intriga. Feliz año!!

    Saludos desde Argentina

    PS: Tus piernas ohh por Dior son increibles, ojala las mias fueran así.

  6. So many pretty photos! The shot of you in the leather jacket on the beach is my favorite. When do you ever see leather on the beach… LOL. You looked beautiful. Kisses from Virginia!


  7. Andy, todo lo que haces me encanta. Lamentablemente no pude ver la temporada de México Diseña por diversos motivos pero lo que veia en los videos fue un proyecto bastante apegado a tu estilo. Me alegra ser fan tuyo y ver cada uno de tus post en las redes sociales.

    Feliz año nuevo y mucho exito.

    Tu fiel amigo y seguidor Isay xx

  8. Gracias por todos los momentos compartidos Andy, eres admirable. Feliz año 2014 y muchas bendiciones para ti.

  9. Gracias por todos tus momentos compartidos Andy, eres admirable.
    Feliz año 2014, y muchas bendiciones para ti.

  10. Dear Andy,

    Happy New Year! As I scrolled through your post I came to realise that I have followed you nearly since the beginning and it absolutely amazes me how far you’ve come. Even though I don’t personally know you, I feel some strange sense of proudness and absolute awe in seeing your development over the years. Out of all the blogs I frequent, this is probably the one I find myself automatically checking everyday without even realising. You have become some sort of constant in a tumultuous couple of years I reckon, and for that I am truly grateful. So I just wanted to take the time on this lovely New Years Eve to thank you for showing that anything is possible if you dare to follow your dreams and passions. Your strength, character and beauty really does shine through in every post. :) I wish you another beautiful year of fantastic ups and lesson-learning downs in this special little world we live in.

    To another wonderful year and all the best,

    Sarah x

    1. Thank you so much my dear. Makes me so happy and honored to hear your thoughts and it really makes all the hard work worth it :)
      I hope this year brings you success and love!
      Big kiss from Mexico!

  11. i’ve really loved following your blog this year! it’s been such a fun ride. can’t wait to see all that 2014 brings and takes you!



  12. Wow Andy! You had a really great year! I mean, you almost publish 365 pictures here as your favourites. There are great pictures both from you and from the locations, some that we could consider “Andy poses” and also some unusual hairstyles (that you should definitely do more often).

    I wish you an equally successful and happy 2014.

    From Mexico living in Israel

  13. Wow, that’s a looooooot of pictures! But you can’t sum up a whole year in 3 photos. Congratulations for everything you achieved this year and good luck for 2014!

  14. Andy, you’re so lucky and really have an awesome year!!! Hope you will having a wonderful year of 2014!!! Love you and Happy New Year<3

  15. I’m totally loving this post and every single picture in it! Happy new year Andy, looking forward to another year of fashion inspiration and great photography at Style Scrapbook! x

  16. Andy que buen resumen! Super completo. Te deseoo muchisimoo mas exito y oportunidades de seguir creciendo. Un abrazo gigante para ti. Feliz año.