AndyTorresGanniCoat5 AndyTorresGanniCoat AndyTorresGanniCoat3 AndyTorresGanniCoat4 AndyTorresGanniCoat6 Jeans: Asos  |  Jumper: Vintage  |  Coat: Ganni  |  Shoes: Coach

Very rarely -and when I say rarely I mean it-, I find jeans that fit the length of my legs. I am very tall and I have struggled with finding long pants since forever. Whenever I find a pair of jeans that are not only long enough, but even longer than needed I feel like I have found Aladdin’s cave.

andy signature


117 Responses

  1. I have the opposite problem to you, I have to take everything to the tailor as I need to have everything shortened to fit me! With love from sojustnice.com

  2. I have the same problem being 5’10.5″ with skinny, very long legs. I have found that H&M jeans (in long) fit very well and are quite comfortable! Love your shoes:)

  3. I have that problem! Glad to hear there are more of us out there that are tall and struggle to find jeans/trousers that look good and fit. These look amazing on you, well done for the good find!

  4. I totally understand your problem! I’m 1,80m and wear W28/L36 for trousers, so it’s pretty difficult to find a fitting pair. What is really strange in my opinion is that I almost never find good ones in Germany (I’m german obviously), but in every other country- even in spain where I really did not expect it when you look at the average size of a spanish girl.. haha :P
    Your jeans really look great on you! Happy last christmas holidays :)

  5. So beautiful pics!!!! You are great on the pics!!!
    Love your outfit, especially your jean’s. So perfectly torn!!!!

    xoxo from Dubai

    Jul du monde des petites

  6. Gorgeous Andy, love the jeans they are perfect on you! The coat is a classic and the pumps are fab..love it! As its super hot here down under in Australia, its a little hard to imagine wearing this..its all bikinis and sarongs at the moment. Lol but look forward to the fall season. I love the layering that you can do in winter,and the fashion leaves so much more to the imagination. Which i believe is the way it should be.. Ironic though being a model and saying that. Happy Holidays to you x

  7. So in love with that coat as I love your shoes! You have amazing legs,I wish I had them! Perfect casual look xx
