AndyTorresGrey8 AndyTorresGrey2 AndyTorresGrey4 AndyTorresGrey5 AndyTorresGrey3 AndyTorresGrey6

Skirt: ZARA  |  Velvet Boots: Dr. Martens  |  Bag:  3.1 Phillip Lim  |  Jumper: ASOS Men

Christmas eve is fast approaching, I feels as if the Summer just ended but it seems like we are getting deeper into the Winter. I was getting a bit nostalgic about past Christmases last night, as I was digging in the boxes with my old toys. I cant believe the state I found my Barbie dolls in, they seemed like brand new, even if I played with them non stop for ages. I have always been like that though, I tend to take really good care of my things.

Can you remember your first Christmas Toy? I think mine was a big stuffed Snoopy amongst some other toys, but I still have it, somewhere in a box at my basement in Amsterdam.

andy signature


119 Responses

  1. I also found my Barbies last Christmas and the clothes that I used to hand-made for them when I was a little girl! :D I miss those days, because now it seems that I don’t have enough time for all the things I want to do! :P

    ♥ ★ ♥ GINGER COLLAGE ♥ ★ ♥

  2. I can’t remember the really first toy, but the first one I can remember, was a barbie carriage with a white horse. Wow that`s a nostalgic memory…
    By the way I like your big blue ring! It’ s beautiful.

    xoxo Juliane

  3. Such an adorable outfit and I love the color combination of black and grey.
    When I was a kid, I didn’t really play a lot win stuffed animals or doll.
    But my brother did a lot. He received a little stuffed dog in the age of 2 months and it was his everything.
    Now , 13 years later, that dog is almost falling apart from all the using , but he still has it.

    xx Julia

  4. I can’t remember the really first toy, but the first one I can remember, was a barbie carriage with a white horse. Wow that`s a nostalgic memory…
    By the way I like your big blue ring! It’ s beautiful.

    xoxo Juliane

  5. Great look !!!
    I’m interested in the jumper but I can’t find on Asos website can yout give me more information about it ?

  6. Hey Andy :)

    Love yoir Outfit! For winter in Austria i would need some extra layers, though ;)

    I can’t remember my first christmas present, but I remember that my grandad loved me so much, he made a barbie house himself when parents couldn’t afford one. The cool thing was that it was made of wood, and even bigger than myself! He made a balcony and decorated each room, and each room had a different wallpaper. I loved this barbie house so much, i wasn’t even jealous of my ciusin any more who had a “real” barbie house :D
