6 YEARS!!! It has been 6 years since my very first post, before I even knew people would ever look at my blog. 6 years later, my life has changed completely, thanks to this blog, thanks to you, who read it every day. Some of you read me from the beginning, posts which I don’t even dare to read again, but they are there, to show the evolution. I feel so honored, proud and overwhelmingly happy to be able to say StyleScrapbook is turning 6 years today. Quite an emotional but extremely exciting day for me.


andy signature


158 Responses

  1. Happy Fun(tastic) 6th Birthday for your blog, Andy.
    I am so proud of you..I read your blog for about 3 years! and I hope I can be like you someday.. Have an amazing fashion blog, like you did.

    Kindly check my blog, on


  2. My wish might be a little late but it’s still from the bottom of my heart – Congratulations and cheers for more years to come!! I might not be one that started reading your blog from the start but I am with you for a couple of years now. I’m glad that you’ve been my inspiration and I will continue reading your blog after today =)

  3. That’s awesome, congrats! You’re an inspiration to the newcomers like me who just want to blog our passion for fashion! So exciting and I look forward to your next 6 years!

  4. I only stumbled upon your blog very recently but I’m totally glad I did.
    Congrats ! on turning six
    Keep up the good work and style ~

  5. Hi Andy…
    Happy 6th for you…
    I’m Vani from Indonesia (South Asia)
    I have looked your web arround 3 years since the first i see. Woow…! i love it. I so enjoy to look at your style. You can show your expresion with style. i love it. Huge love it.

  6. Yo te empece a leer desde el 2009 andy! y honestamente pienso que eran mejores tus posts anteriores, no porque los de hoy sean malos, simplemente escribes menos y no escribes en español, son más impersonales en fin, sólo es una retroalimentación. Felicidades por los logros obtenidos y sigo pendiente de tu blog. Saludos!

  7. Muchas felicidades Andy!
    Eres una gran inspiración, sobre todo para nosotras las mexicanas.
    Muchos años más a Style Scrapbook!



  8. ps. (i posted your blog because you should read it again. I think you would cry. It was great and that is the reason why we started to follow you. We grew up with you and there is nothing to be ashamed of in that!)

  9. “Hi everyone!

    Well, Since this is my First Blog, I want to tell you a bit more about why I wanted to start a Fashion & Style Blog.

    I think that having a passion for Fashion, means so much more than just loving shopping. Some people think that just because they love shopping, that means they love fashion, and Fashion is SO MUCH MORE!

    When you love fashion, you are conscious about the trends, you have to know which shapes, colors, fabrics and styles are coming each season. So, its not just loving to buy shoes and clothes.
    I believe in personal style and hate copy cats, I think its important to always put your signature style in everything you wear, it says so much about you.
    Some people are scared when it comes to Fashion, they don’t want to wear certain things, because they think people would make fun. Its true that you shouldn’t wear everything in trend, because some things will suit you, but other will look like a nightmare, its all about your body shape, size and height, but is also true that you have to experiment, to figure out what suits you best.
    I LOVE eccentricity, when it comes to the style I love to wear. I play with a lot of looks, and i like knowing what is going on in other countries as well, what is people wearing. I believe that Fashion is not just in the catwalks for fashion weeks around the world, the streets are a big runway, and the people in it are the models. Try to see what people are wearing, you can get a lot of Inspiration from it.
    I am really lucky, being able to check what people are wearing in the streets of Amsterdam is awesome!. You can see great styles walking around, what I love about the way people dress over here, is that they don’t care!, they wear whatever they want and they don’t care about what people might think, they can wear the weirdest hat, or the funniest pair of shoes, but they still look great, because they have awesome SIGNATURE STYLES!
    The most important thing is to find what your signature style is, and then start building from there.
    Sit down and write in a piece of paper, what is your favourite style, who is your biggest Fashion Icon, which is your favorite culture movement, all those things can influence you! and help you finding out what you love the most.


    Wait for my next blog!”

    IT WAS SO SWEET! And it still is! you are such a “down to earth” person, you don’t pretend you are famous, you don’t want to look like you are. You just keep on doing what your dream was. We love you because of your simplicity! Please, don’t change!



  10. Congratulations Andy! It has been such a pleasure following you all these year. You are one of the bloggers who inspired me to start a blog. Hope you will continue to attain more success in your life.

    Maggie A

  11. Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog. I hope you don’t plan to stop anytime soon. It’s one of my favourites because even though it’s been a while and you’re getting quite a bit bigger, you still have personal posts that feel like you. It’s so nice to read!

  12. I’ve been following you for years now! Last year I started my own blog (nothing compared to your blog), you are a big inspiration!

  13. wow this is really so exciting! it’s so cool and inspiring seeing all that you’ve been able to achieve in six years! you deserve all the success, and here’s to another six years!!!

  14. I am a proud old reader of Style Scrapbook and I couldn’t be more happy to see you all happy and achiving great things in this past 6 years. I also want to congratulate Richard cuz Andy, your style is in constant transition but his photography has evolved too, and it allow us, readers, to appreciate great quality pictures of your amazing sense of style. But those are not the only reasons of why I am hapy for you for your 6th blog anniversary, I am also happy because as me you are a proudly Mexican girl, I have see that you put effort and work and defetead obstacles of living abroad and last but not least I feel lucky I met you here in my Monterrey and I really hope it’s not the last.

    That been said/wrote, Congratulations for the past years and the succes to come!

    With love
    Carolina M.

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I watched your Ted Talk and it was amazing. Starting a personal style blog has got to be the hardest thing ever. I love your concept and I wish you luck.

    * This dream started in Brooklyn *
    [email protected]

  16. Congratulations! It must have taken a lot of patience (and hard work of course!) to keep it up for so many years but the success of your blog must be the best reward.

  17. And I am so glad to be part of this because I truly love your blog and the job you’ve been doing here is amazing. Style Scrapbook is one of my favorite blogs and truth to be told, one of the few I consider to be genuine and not just another fashion blog.
    As long as you stay true to yourself, it can never go wrong.

    Happy Birthday Style Scrapbook! Congratulations Andy!


  18. Happy Birthday to Style Scrapbook!! I have been following your blog since 2009. You still my favorite blogger, Andy! You made my day everyday and inspired me a lot. Keep going, will support you forever<3

    Love from HK Kila xoxo

  19. Aww, happy happy birthday!! :) I know ur blog for 3 years now and i am still in love with it as from the very beginning. You truely have been my inspiration! That’s why i started to blog too – and now i love it !!!

    Best wishes ♥

  20. Amazing Andy!!!


    You make my day……every day!
    Thank you so much for all the inspirations and wonderful posts.

    You go girl ;)

  21. CONGRATULATIONS ANDY and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SS!! I have only been a reader of your blog for almost 2 years now, but I have read and seen every single one of your posts. Yes, even your very first post. You have been an inspiration and a life saver! Just 4 days ago, I died when I saw that you liked and commented on the picture of you that I posted on my Instagram; it still makes me smile today. I love you so so much and I hope I will meet you one day.

    Chesca <3

  22. Wow! 6 years! Happy Birthday to Style Scrapbook then!
    I wish you more exciting adventures in your future!
    We really enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for inspiring us all every day! :)

  23. I’m not from the first post but I remember the old days of this blog. It was in part the blog that gives me some inspiration to create my own. Thanks for all of these years Andy and happy birthday SS !

  24. I have birthday today too ! ♥

    How nice that SS and me are feom 26th Nov. :D

    I have 16 birthday, and SS 6 !

    Happy birthday to Style Scrapbook and me ! ♥

    Agata ♥

  25. Congrats Dear,I read your blog everyday, I’m really inspired by you and I wish you all the best , I wish someday I had so many fans and readers too.
    Best Regards
    From Georgia

  26. Wow, congrats! I remember reading your blog four years ago, back when I was still in grade school. It’s amazing seeing how much your blog’s grown and I still look forward to reading your blog everyday (:
    – Ashley
    not haute

  27. No way! You have come such a freaking long way. Youre doing so well and i hope you celebrate every bit of it. plus you blog is the best so, you deserve it. I hope for this to be me in the future and i hope i continue to progress and expand.

    keep rocking.