AndyTorresAmstel8 AndyTorresAmstel2 AndyTorresAmstel1 AndyTorresAmstel AndyTorresAmstel5 AndyTorresAmstel7Jacket .Skirt.Boots: ZARA  |  Shirt: Jack & Jones (men)  |  Hoodie: Uniqlo  |  Bag: Alexander Wang

andy signature


145 Responses

  1. Gracias por poner el nombre de México en alto, Eres una verdadera musa.
    Tu blog siempre me pone de buenas, QUE GRAN TRABAJO HACES.

  2. Love the colors of that plaid shirt! (Also that you weren’t afraid to look in the men’s section!)

    xx Caroline

  3. Once again, I adore the photographs! Love the contrast of sharpness and the beautiful colours! The outfit is really nice as well, I love the combo of the shirt and skirt. :D

  4. You look so flawless in every single outfit! I adore the jacket and boots also, everything looks so well together!
    You are definitely the best blogger and your style is just perfect xx