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StylesScrapbook Agenda 2013-2014

Every year I always find myself searching for the perfect agenda and I always end up getting the same stuff, a plain black one. That is all good and I like minimalism but when I was given the opportunity to design my own, I knew I had to do something different.

We have been working on this for a year and StyleScrapbook’s agenda is finally out for sale in Holland, actually it is now completely sold out which I feel extremely shocked and grateful for!…This was my very first and I guess I didn’t expect it to be such a big success, so we are working on the second issue now.

This issue was sold at major department stores and selected magazine/book stores in Holland, but I am trying hard to make the next issue available worldwide. Fingers crossed!

andy signature


161 Responses

  1. I love this Agenda. I bought it in a store in Holland and the color caught my eye.
    The design is amazing.

    Perfect. Thanks for designing it. I hope you’re gonna make one for the year 2014/2015 aswell.

    x Sharon

  2. Hey Andy :)
    i’m really looking forward to the 2014 issue of the Style Scrapbook! Originally I am from Austria but I am doing an exchange in the Netherlands now, so i would loooooove to buy one as long as I’m here :) I’m so curios when it will come out. It would be great if you could let us know!

    You are doing great :)

    xxx Julia

  3. Vivo en Lyon, Francia y muero por tu agenda!!! Espero que pronto la pueda tener por aquí! Disfruta mucho de tus vacaciones en México, come rico y toma mucho sol.

  4. Andy, could you sell this online? I’m currently in the midwest in the United States and am interested in purchasing one.

  5. love it!!!!!!! my planner is plain too so i will definitely get yours when it comes to the U.S.!!!!!!!!!

  6. I remember going shopping in V&D for my agendas when I still lived in Holland and went to school. I am sure you’re inspiring a lot of girls who bought the calender & your second one will be just as much of a success as the first one! Well done :)

  7. I love this idea! I think it’s so fun to purchase journals and planners which already have illustrations and photos printed inside. They can be very inspirational and really help to push through that dreaded writer’s block… These look so cute – you did a great job!

    Shop Vintage Levis

  8. I love this agenda! I never really like any agendas, but this one is beautiful and I love it! xxxxxx

  9. hi andy! can you tell me where to find this in holland? my parents are going to amsterdam in the weekend i really would love them to buy me 2 of these, one for me and one for my sister. please answer. xx

  10. A few weeks ago I bought a new agenda for school but now I also need one for home / work. Fun project that you have done such a thing. In what store can I find him?

    ♥ Jet

  11. I faced the same problem every year when it comes to finding the perfect agenda. Really love to have one awesome StylesScrapbook Agenda myself! It would be really great if it’s available in Singapore! Fingers crossed! :)

  12. Wow, it seems amazing, really! And the cover is in my favorite color, too. Hope it’ll be available worldwide soon and I’ll be able to buy it!

  13. Hola Andy,

    he estado un par de veces en Paris este año y no he podido encontrar tu agenda, me muero por tenerla y vivo en GDL,MX plis ponla en venta Online!!! o Donde la puedo comprar en Paris. :D saludines

  14. Me alegra mucho saber que existe una posibilidad de que puedan ser distribuidas a nivel mundial, porque espero que lleguen a México y poder tener la mía yaaay!! Debo confesar que me hubiera gustado tener la anterior porque me encantan esas fotos en parís, lo cual me recuerda a algo que siempre he querido saber ¿Aún quisieras mudarte a París? y si lo pregunto es porque recuerdo que antes en Stylescrapbook hablabas mucho de lo tanto que te gustaría vivir en esa ciudad.

    Carolina M.

  15. Andy! manda unas a México, o en venta online, yo quiero una! consiente a tus paisanas jajaja besos!!!

  16. Yes, I’ve bought one in June already, although my school didn’t start until today! I’m so glad I did though, because now I have a very exclusive and very lovely agenda in my possession :)

  17. I live in Holland (near Amsterdam) but unfortunately I haven’t seen your agenda in the stores.. Really like it, it’s colourful but still organized.

    xoxo Mireille

  18. Espero que este disponible en México!!!! me encanta tu página y el estilo que manejas!!