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Jacket: ZARA  |  Bikini: Hunkemoller  |  T-Shirt: COS  |  Sunglasses: H&M
Jet-lag is no fun, unless you are at the beach, you are “forced” to wake up at around 5:00 am and cant really get back into bed because your body is still 7 hours ahead in Central European Time.
Thats what happened this morning and since it was really early and still cloudy by the beach, I decided to go shoot and threw my favorite jacket on just for the photos.
No, I didn’t keep it on throughout the day, just 10 minutes and we were donzo. I gotta say, I have never taken my beloved jacket so close to the ocean waters before, so I thought it was about time, at least for styling purposes.

136 Responses

  1. i love the leather jacket! haha, must have been hard getting that “precious” close to the waters!
    Your legs make me want to cry, so perf!ahh

  2. love this model and smile on her face and the way she is enjoying and relaxing….with out have any worries………….lovely…sweety and beauty…..

  3. Fabulos cuerpazo, se nota ke te cuidas mucho… :p

    Una preguntilla: Porque no poner tus descripciones también en español, digo eres mexicana que no…??|

    Saludos :)

  4. This modal is looking too hot and sexy, I have ever seen like this snaps before, its clothing style, top and bottoms is very very sexy.

  5. Those pictures are just perfection love the hard biker jacket in combination with the calm ocean. Also I adore your sunglasses. xoxo Vanessa

  6. Oh Andy, those tropical pics make me so jealous! I just came back from Bonaire two weeks ago. The only thing I´m not missing is that horrible jetlag ;) Do you ever get used to that?! Well have fun there babe and good luck with the jetlag!WITH LOVE,LINSEY / POSE-BLOG.COM

  7. My dear i wouldnt mind the jetlag at all if i was in a place like that! :)http://strawberryleopard.blogspot.pt/

  8. Super beachwear!It is a good idea to have highlighted your look with a lipstick and a bright red bracelet that make the glasses see first. Beautiful leather jacket!_Alba_

  9. nice swimwear. I like strips and pink.If you are interested, look at my swimwear selectionwww.designandfashionrecipes.com

  10. Perfect shots Andy! Jet lag sucks, I used to travel a lot on business & it really messes with your body clock – don't miss those days.Happy Wednesday Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/

  11. Your pictures are amazing. You don't look tired and wearing a leather jacket with a bikini is beyond what I would have thought… xxxNinahttp://trendsurvivor.com/

  12. Great shots! I like the glasses… I am actually lying in the sun at the moment as well, so I would like to have the beach in your photos here too, please ;)http://atleastblog.blogspot.com/

  13. Glad you put that jacket at saltwater risk, it paid off considering you look like a hot biker/ bikini model. SIDEWALKCATWALKS.com