Quick update to let you guys know that I am probably flying over the Atlantic at this point, or even landed in my homeland by now.
I am here to film the Final of ELLE Mexico Diseña and spend few quality days with my family before we start shooting.
Cant wait to share with you some of my Mexico posts and hello sun and heat!

88 Responses

  1. waouh lucky you !enjoy the sun ! nice shot by the wayXXXxxhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Rockmafia/58391479964http://rockmafialeblog.blogspot.fr/BLOG/SHOP

  2. Hola!!! estoy participando en un concurso de L'Oréal que se llama Brandstorm :) y representamos a españa en la final internacional que se celebra en Paris el dia 20 de Junio!!!!Antes, han organizado un concurso de Facebook en el cual el país cuya foto tiene más likes gana un premio, así que necesito vuestra ayuda por favor!!!! :DEntrar al link y darle a like por favor!!! y no estaría de más que se lo dijerais a vuestros amigos :PMuchiiiiiiisimas gracias!!! muaaahttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=478929172179898&set=a.478920445514104.1073741826.158771604195658&type=3&theater

  3. Safe flight Andy, look forward to your instagrams!Happy Thursday Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/

  4. foe how long have you been staying ?:) must be gorgeous in Mexico :) hope you'll enjoy your home stay :)http://franchemeetsfashion.blogspot.cz/