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 Photos via Pinterest  |  Collage by me
I have been wasting investing some time looking through interior design photos on Pinterest. Most of you don’t know, but I actually studied Interior Design, at least until I switched to Fashion Design, rebelled and decided to leave everything behind and move to Europe.
I have been obsessing with looking through photos of inspiring spaces. Maybe its just a wish for new beginnings, I don’t know, change is good or so they say.

106 Responses

  1. oh my goodness, andy! i thought these were all your place for a moment which left me in complete awe. still, i love this style and will integrate several of these aspects into my new space. great post!xo |

  2. Change can be good and can be bad. If it's bad, maybe it's bad timing and just not meant for you. If it's good, cherish it! =)These are really gorgeous pictures. I think fashion is definitely your forte =)

  3. Love all these ideas. I have similar taste as you I think, because I love black and white rooms with a little touch of colour.Julia,xx

  4. I agree with you. Sometimes change is good and it takes us to better levels. In my view, you have done a great job so far. Congrats and keep on your track!Best,Diep Angela NGUYEN

  5. These are amazing. I love all the black and white. It's so stark but still inviting and warm. Great inspirations.xoxo

  6. I thought it was all your house and almost died! But these interior design ideas are awesome, thinking of doing up my room! Change is definitely

  7. Hi Andy! I am currently doing the same too! If you haven't heard of , you should visit it for more interior inspirations : ) it inspires me a lot. And in case you visit France, you should visit Maison Du Monde, they have an enormous amount of the loveliest interior peices and decors! You will love it! : ) Maya

  8. Then you should check out "Stylizimo" blog (not mine) and you're going to like…die!!! She's a norwegian blogger and interior designer and she puts everything together so beautifully… It's full of great inspiration,

  9. Hello Andy, since you brought it up, I would like to know a little more about your moving to Europe. I'm a brazilian architect and I think about it sometimes … but I don't have the courage to leave my family…yet!

  10. i don't post comments so often but girl you blow me away with this post! it shows so much about you and i looove it! keep your stile unique. keep being yourself! all the best from serbia

  11. Change is definitely good! I love your inspiration.Have a wonderful week Hun xoxo

  12. Interiors are great obsession, and much more timeless and meaningful than fashion! architect is speaking here, so I fully understand you:)

  13. Qué fotos tan bonitas! Yo para el año también empezaré otra nueva carrera y será Diseño de Interiores! Me fascina!Un besote Andy :)

  14. change is an important thing in our lives :) sometimes is good, sometimes is needed, but i think it never is something wrong :)nice pictures by the waykisses